For more than a year and a half, Canadians have been struggling to deal with the covid pandemic. With each wave of cases we’ve been throwing...
From Dr. Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. The Copenhagen Consensus Center is...
Shortly after Premier Kenney announced the latest covid 19 restrictions, a frustrated Chris Scott took to social media to vent and to urge Albertans to get...
Huron University in London, Ontario, was incorporated way back in 1863 as one of the founding colleges of Western University. Western is one of the largest...
When Maxime Bernier left the federal Conservative party after losing a tight leadership race against Andrew Scheer, he called party leaders “morally and intellectually corrupt” and...
Back in 1993 things were not going well for Canada’s Progressive Conservative Government. Brian Mulroney’s government had served 2 mandates and Canadians were clearly ready to...
If you know the racetracks in Saskatchewan and Alberta there’s a very good chance you’ve run into the name Tyler Redwood. Tyler has been racing Standardbreds...
Since covid vaccines have become one of the early issues of Canada’s election campaign, this article and the article linked within are worthy of our attention....
Michael Schellenberger is a leading environmentalist and progressive activist who has become disillusioned with the movements he used to help lead. His passion for the environment and...
It’s been an incredible week on the world stage when it comes to energy production and the environment. Monday the International Panel on Climate Change...