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Artificial Intelligence

A Frisson of Fission: Why Nuclear Power Won’t Replace Natural Gas as North America’s Critical Fuel


17 minute read

From the C2C Journal

By Gwyn Morgan
The recent collapse of the power grid in Cuba, plunging the island nation into darkness and grinding its meagre economy to a halt, served as a reminder of electricity’s centrality to modern civilization. That dependency is only expected to increase as more electric vehicles take to the road – and, writes Gwyn Morgan, as the tech sector’s voracious appetite for electrons expands unabated. Morgan pours a pail of cold water on the much-mooted “nuclear revival” that has yet to deliver any actual new electricity. He argues instead that what’s needed is clear-eyed recognition that the most reliable, most abundant, most flexible and most affordable energy source is a fossil fuel located in vast quantities right beneath North Americans’ feet.
Three Mile Island: now there’s a name only us retired folk will remember. On March 28, 1979 the Unit 2 reactor in the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station near Middletown, Pennsylvania incurred a partial melt-down. This was and remains the most serious accident in U.S. nuclear power-plant operating history. Although nobody was killed or injured, the near-catastrophe gripped Americans for months (that was when the term “melt-down” entered the public lexicon). It further energized the powerful anti-nuclear movement – eerily, the movie The China Syndrome concerning a fictional reactor melt-down had been released just 12 days before the actual Three Mile Island event – and shifted public opinion further against generating electricity by splitting the atom. Construction of new facilities slowed dramatically and eventually the number of cancellations – 120 – exceeded the approximately 90 nuclear plants that actually operate; not one was built for 30 years.

Now, 45 years later, comes announcement of a deal by tech giant Microsoft Corporation with Constellation Energy, owner of the infamous Three Mile Island facility, to restart the mothballed nuclear plant’s sister reactor, Unit 1. It will be the first such restart in the U.S.

Nuclear revival? Forty-five years after the infamous partial reactor core melt-down at Three Mile Island (pictured at top left and centre) and release of the sensationalistic anti-nuclear movie The China Syndrome (starring Jane Fonda, pictured at bottom left), the plant’s sister reactor is set for a US$1.6 billion restart to power data centres supporting artificial intelligence (AI). Shown at top right, Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff during Three Mile Island crisis; bottom right, U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s motorcade leaves Three Mile Island nuclear power station. (Sources of photos: (top left) zoso8203, licensed under CC BY 2.0; (top centre) AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster; (top right) NRCgov, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; (bottom left) Everett Collection/The Canadian Press; (bottom right)  NRCgov, licensed under CC BY 2.0)

After all these years, why now? The answer is electricity demand for artificial intelligence (AI). Like many things in the tech realm, AI is a sneakily prodigious consumer of electricity, and AI’s use is exploding. The Microsoft/Constellation project is one of several such deals recently unveiled by tech giants.

A Goldman Sachs report from May of this year illuminates the issue, observing that, “On average, a ChatGPT query needs 10 times as much electricity to process as a Google search.” ChatGPT is a popular AI tool for information research and content creation (college kids particularly love it); a related and even more power-hungry tool spits out sophisticated digital imagery. And ChatGPT is only one of the burgeoning AI applications, which include everything from order processing and customer fulfillment to global shipping, generating sales leads, and helping operate factories and ports. Consequently, says Goldman Sachs, “Our researchers estimate data center power demand will grow 160% by 2030” – representing a remarkable one-third of all growth in U.S. electricity demand. “This increased demand will help drive the kind of electricity growth that hasn’t been seen in a generation,” says the report, which it pegs at a robust 2.4 percent per year during this period.

Power-hungry tech: The rise of AI tools like ChatGPT is forecast to increase power demand from data centres by 160 percent over the next six years, part of a robust expected increase in overall electricity consumption. Shown at bottom, Google data centre for the company’s Gemini AI platform. (Sources of photos: (top) Ju Jae-young/Shutterstock; (bottom) Google)

That’s a lot of juice. So where will all this additional power come from? In the U.S., 60 percent of electricity comes from natural gas and coal. Nuclear energy supplies 19 percent, hydroelectric facilities 6 percent, while wind and solar provide the remaining 14 percent. But wind and solar are intermittent, difficult to scale quickly, geographically limited – and, above all, cannot be counted on for the large-scale, uninterrupted, secure “base load” that AI requires.

The small modular reactor – a digital rendering of which is shown here – is said to offer great potential for adding nuclear power in manageable increments; the technology remains in testing, however, and is unlikely to hit the ground in Western Canada before 2034. (Source of image: OPG)

And while there is something of a nuclear revival happening in the U.S. and around the world, it will be four years before Three Mile Island comes back on-stream (at an anticipated cost of US$1.6 billion). Such a time-frame even to restart an existing facility underscores the long lead times afflicting the design, construction and commissioning of any technically complex, large-scale and politically controversial infrastructure. There’s a lot of talk about shortening that cycle by focusing on a new generation of “small modular reactors” (SMR), which generate about one-quarter the power of the regular kind. But SMRs remain largely untested and, here too, their lead times are long. Alberta and Saskatchewan, for example, have been talking with other provinces for the last four years about the concept, but haven’t even begun writing the governing regulations, let alone holding public hearings. The most optimistic scenario has the first SMR coming online in 2034.

Realistically, then, most of the growth in power demand for AI will have to be met by fossil fuels, however distasteful this will be to America’s tech moguls, who want to be seen as hip and earth-friendly even if not all of them are actually left-leaning. (A laughable detail of the recent Constellation/Microsoft deal is that Three Mile Island is being renamed the “Crane Clean Energy Center”, as if it’s some kind of Google-style campus.)

Those tech moguls will have to come to terms with natural gas. Natural gas is by far the lowest-emission fossil fuel. It is readily transportable by pipeline around North America. Large-scale gas-fired generating facilities can be built quickly, at reasonable cost and at low risk using mature technology, and can be located almost anywhere. And, fortunately for Americans, natural gas is in robust supply, with production setting new records nearly every year, and is currently cheaper than dirt. Indeed, the Goldman report itself forecasts (too conservatively, in my view) that the growth in electricity demand will in turn trigger “3.3 billion cubic feet per day of new natural gas demand by 2030, which will require new pipeline capacity to be built.”

In Canada, 60 percent of our electricity comes from hydro power, but very few viable new dam sites are left (Quebec recently commissioned a new dam after years of delay, and does have a few additional candidate sites, but these are the rare exceptions). Ontario’s nuclear plants supply 16 percent. Expansion of this is under consideration but, as noted, any new capacity is many years away. Coal and coke supply 8 percent (and are being further scaled back), natural gas 8 percent, and solar and wind 6 percent. So Canada’s growing electricity demand, much of it driven by AI and other tech requirements, will also need to be fuelled by natural gas. Fortunately, Canada too has enormous untapped natural gas reserves, and is also setting new production records.

Plentiful, flexible, transportable, cheap: The lowest-emission fossil fuel, natural gas offers the best way to meet growing global energy demand, representing an enormous export opportunity for Canada and the U.S. Shown at top left, Freeport LNG Liquefaction facility, Freeport, Texas; top right, LNG Canada project under construction in Kitimat, B.C. (Sources: (top left photo) Freeport LNG; (top right photo) The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck; (graph) Canadian Energy Regulator)

In contrast to the United States and Canada, Europe is struggling just to meet existing electricity demand after natural gas imports from Russia dropped from 5.5 trillion cubic feet in 2021 to 2.2 trillion cubic feet last year. Europe’s only option is importing liquefied natural gas (LNG). Germany, previously the largest importer of Russian gas – and which in the face of the resulting energy shortage chose to shut down the last of its nuclear plants – is constructing LNG import/regasification terminals on an urgent basis. Regrettably, the situation could get even worse for Europe; China is in talks with Russia that could lead to complete stoppage of remaining gas flows, further escalating Europe’s need for LNG.

That makes meeting the electricity demands of the EU’s smaller but also growing AI sector even more challenging. Moreover, Europe’s power grid is the oldest in the world at 50 years, so it needs both modernization and expansion. The above-quoted Goldman Sachs report states that, “Europe needs $1 trillion [in new investment] to prepare its power grid for AI.” Goldman’s researchers estimate that the continent’s power demand could grow by at least 40 percent in the next ten years, requiring investment of US$861 billion in electricity generation on top of the even higher amount to replace those old transmission systems. The situation is complex and challenging, but one thing is clear: the electricity Europe requires for AI can be fuelled in large part only by natural gas imported from friendly countries.

The AI frenzy may still seem incomprehensible to most Canadians, so it’s important to understand how its applications are spreading through more and more of the economy. Toronto-based Thomson Reuters is a well-known company that provides data and information to professionals across three main industries: legal, tax & accounting, and news & media. A recent Globe and Mail article about Thomson Reuters’ journey from reticence to embrace of the AI world provides helpful perspective. After spending a year of assessment, management concluded that AI was key to the company’s future. Thomson Reuters pledged to spend US$100 million annually to develop its AI capacity. Knowing that this is the cost for just one medium-sized Canadian company puts into perspective the potential scale of AI’s electricity-hungry global growth.

More juice needed: As many more companies – like Toronto-based information conglomerate Thomson Reuters – come to understand the need to embrace AI technology, the global appetite for electricity will continue to grow, demand that will only increase with the further advancement of cryptocurrencies and electric vehicles. (Sources of photos: (left) The Canadian Press/Lars Hagberg; (right) Shutterstock)

Almost forgotten in the electricity-devouring list are cryptocurrencies. In 2020-21 Bitcoin “mining” (the data centres that compete to solve the encrypted blockchains as quickly as possible) consumed more electricity than the 230 million people of Pakistan. Meeting the tech sector’s voracious and – if the growth forecasts are accurate – essentially insatiable demand for electricity will be challenging enough, but there’s another major source of electricity demand growth: electric vehicles (EVs). An International Energy Agency report estimates that EV power needs in the U.S. and Europe will rise from less than 1 percent of electricity demand today to 14 percent in 2030 if electric vehicle mandates are to be met. This C2C article examines the specific implications for Canada.

Who could have imagined that these celebrated new technologies – billed as clean, green and “sustainable” – would end up being the biggest drivers of fossil fuel growth! With our incredible endowment of accessible natural resources, our nation should seize this enormous natural gas export opportunity by getting rid of the bureaucratic time-consuming processes and other roadblocks that have so long discouraged getting new LNG export terminals built and operating.

Gwyn Morgan is a retired business leader who was a director of five global corporations.

Artificial Intelligence

Canadian Court Upholds Ban on Clearview AI’s Unconsented Facial Data Collection

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Clearview AI is said to subjecting billions of people to this, without consent. From there, the implications for privacy, free speech, and even data security are evident.

Facial recognition company Clearview AI has suffered a legal setback in Canada, where the Supreme Court of British Columbia decided to throw out the company’s petition aimed at cancelling an Information and Privacy Commissioner’s order.

The order aims to prevent Clearview AI from collecting facial biometric data for biometric comparison in the province without the targeted individuals’ consent.

We obtained a copy of the order for you here.

The controversial company markets itself as “an investigative platform” that helps law enforcement identify suspects, witnesses, and victims.

Privacy advocates critical of Clearview AI’s activities, however, see it as a major component in the burgeoning facial surveillance industry, stressing in particular the need to obtain consent – via opt-ins – before people’s facial biometrics can be collected.

And Clearview AI is said to subjecting billions of people to this, without consent. From there, the implications for privacy, free speech, and even data security are evident.

The British Columbia Commissioner appears to have been thinking along the same lines when issuing the order, that bans Clearview from selling biometric facial arrays taken from non-consenting individuals to its clients.

In addition, the order instructs Clearview to “make best efforts” to stop the practice in place so far, which includes collection, use, and disclosure of personal data – but also delete this type of information already in the company’s possession.

Right now, there is no time limit to how long Clearview can retain the data, which it collects from the internet using an automated “image crawler.”

Clearview moved to try to get the order dismissed as “unreasonable,” arguing that on the one hand, it is unable to tell if an image of a persons face is that of a Canadian, while also claiming that no Canadian law is broken since this biometric information is available online publicly.

The legal battle, however, revealed that images of faces of residents of British Columbia, children included, are among Clearview’s database of more than three billion photos (of Canadians) – while the total figure is over 50 billion.

The court also finds the Commissioner’s order to be very reasonable indeed – including when rejecting “Clearview’s bald assertion” that, in British Columbia, “it simply could not do” what it does in the US state of Illinois, to comply with the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).

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Artificial Intelligence

Death of an Open A.I. Whistleblower

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By John Leake

Suchir Balaji was trying to warn the world of the dangers of Open A.I. when he was found dead in his apartment. His story suggests that San Francisco has become an open sewer of corruption.

According to Wikipedia:

Suchir Balaji (1998 – November 26, 2024) was an artificial intelligence researcher and former employee of OpenAI, where he worked from 2020 until 2024. He gained attention for his whistleblowing activities related to artificial intelligence ethics and the inner workings of OpenAI.

Balaji was found dead in his home on November 26, 2024. San Francisco authorities determined the death was a suicide, though Balaji’s parents have disputed the verdict.

Balaji’s mother just gave an extraordinary interview with Tucker Carlson that is well worth watching.

If her narrative is indeed accurate, it indicates that someone has induced key decision makers within the San Francisco Police and Medical Examiner’s Office to turn a blind eye to the obvious indications that Balaji was murdered. Based on the story that his mother told Tucker Carlson, the key corrupt figure in the medical examiner’s office is David Serrano Sewell—Executive Director of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

A quick Google search of Mr. Serrano Sewell resulted in a Feb. 8, 2024 report in the San Francisco Standard headlined San Francisco official likely tossed out human skull, lawsuit saysAccording to the report:

The disappearance of a human skull has spurred a lawsuit against the top administrator of San Francisco’s medical examiner’s office from an employee who alleges she faced retaliation for reporting the missing body part.

Sonia Kominek-Adachi alleges in a lawsuit filed Monday that she was terminated from her job as a death investigator after finding that the executive director of the office, David Serrano Sewell, may have “inexplicably” tossed the skull while rushing to clean up the office ahead of an inspection.

Kominek-Adachi made the discovery in January 2023 while doing an inventory of body parts held by the office, her lawsuit says. Her efforts to raise an alarm around the missing skull allegedly led up to her firing last October.

If the allegations of this lawsuit are true, they suggest that Mr. Serrano is an unscrupulous and vindictive man. According to the SF Gov website:

Serrano Sewell joined the OCME with over 16 years of experience developing management structures, building consensus, and achieving policy improvements in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. He previously served as a Mayor’s aideDeputy City Attorney, and a policy advocate for public and nonprofit hospitals.

In other words, he is an old denizen of the San Francisco city machine. If a mafia-like organization has penetrated the city administration, it would be well-served by having a key player run the medical examiner’s office.

According to Balaji’s mother, Poornima Ramarao, his death was an obvious murder that was crudely staged to look like a suicide. The responding police officers only spent forty minutes examining the scene, and then left the body in the apartment to be retrieved by medical examiner field agents the next day. If true, this was an act of breathtaking negligence.

I have written a book about two murders that were staged to look like suicides, and to me, Mrs. Ramarao’s story sounds highly credible. Balaji kept a pistol in his apartment for self defense because he felt that his life was possibly in danger. He was found shot in the head with this pistol, which was purportedly found in his hand. If his death was indeed a murder staged to look like a suicide, it raises the suspicion that the assailant knew that Balaji possessed this pistol and where he kept it in his apartment.

Balaji was found with a gunshot wound to his head—fired from above, the bullet apparently traversing downward through his face and missing his brain. However, he had also sustained what—based on his mother’s testimony—sounds like a blunt force injury on the left side of the head, suggesting a right-handed assailant initially struck him with a blunt instrument that may have knocked him unconscious or stunned him. The gunshot was apparently inflicted after the attack with the blunt instrument.

A fragment of a bloodstained whig found in the apartment suggests the assailant wore a whig in order to disguise himself in the event he was caught in a surveillance camera placed in the building’s main entrance. No surveillance camera was positioned over the entrance to Balaji’s apartment.

How did the assailant enter Balaji’s apartment? Did Balaji know the assailant and let him in? Alternatively, did the assailant somehow—perhaps through a contact in the building’s management—obtain a key to the apartment?

All of these questions could probably be easily answered with a proper investigation, but it sounds like the responding officers hastily concluded it was a suicide, and the medical examiner’s office hastily confirmed their initial perception. If good crime scene photographs could be obtained, a decent bloodstain pattern analyst could probably reconstruct what happened to Balaji.

Vernon J. Geberth, a retired Lieutenant-Commander of the New York City Police Department, has written extensively about how homicides are often erroneously perceived to be suicides by responding officers. The initial perception of suicide at a death scene often results in a lack of proper analysis. His essay The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation should be required reading of every police officer whose job includes examining the scenes of unattended deaths.

However, judging by his mother’s testimony, Suchir Balaji’s death was obviously a murder staged to look like a suicide. Someone in a position of power decided it was best to perform only the most cursory investigation and to rule the manner of death suicide based on the mere fact that the pistol was purportedly found in the victim’s hand.

Readers who are interested in learning more about this kind of crime will find it interesting to watch my documentary film in which I examine two murders that were staged to look like suicides. Incidentally, the film is now showing in the Hollywood North International Film Festival. Please click on the image below to watch the film.

If you don’t have a full forty minutes to spare to watch the entire picture, please consider devoting just one second of your time to click on the vote button. Many thanks!


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