This week the Downtown Business Association Business Spotlight shines on Pure! This multidisciplinary health care office is located at #207, 4807 50 Avenue (Little Gaetz) and we had a chance to sit down with the owner, Dr. Michael Heinzlmeir, for more information about the business!
What is your business?
Our business is Pure. It is a multidisciplinary health care office. Its chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy, kinesiology, personal training, we have dieticians and psychologists—all working together under one roof, providing healthcare services for all of Central Alberta.

When did you open?
The business was opened in September of 2005. It started with just my wife and I, way back in 2005, and we built the business into a multidisciplinary communitive. Now we’re sitting at about 30 employees and over that time frame we’ve added business partners, so Dr. Scott is actually one of our business partners now. He came on board as a partner in 2015, and we continue to grow and expand from there.
What would you say makes your business unique?
So the one thing that really makes us unique here is our team-based approach to care. It is truly a team checkup and atmosphere with how we provide care in the practice. One of my greatest frustrations, when I started in practice, was trying to coordinate care amongst different practitioners outside of the practice. So, what we did was we started bringing everybody into the practice so we can communicate internally about cases. Each week we actually sit down and review all the case files together as a team, and then make team-based recommendations based on what the patient’s goals are for their health, where they want to get to, and then how our team can help them move towards that. That’s what really sets us apart from everybody.
What are some products/services that you offer?
I guess I kind of alluded to those in the beginning. So, chiropractic, which is what we started with, physical therapy, massage therapy, personal training, kinesiology services. So, that would include Kinesio Taping, home exercises, in-office exercises, and stretches. We also run some boot camp programs around town as well through XLR40 program which is done through our personal training division.
Why did you choose Downtown Red Deer as the location for your business?
When I was looking for a place to lease in 2005, I was brand-new out of school and I didn’t have a lot of money to start with. To be honest, the lease rates were really attractive in Downtown Red Deer. As a new startup business, combined with the supports of the businesses around the area, it gave us the opportunity to get on our feet and establish a successful business—Which would have been difficult to do in the outlying areas where the rents were three or four times more then what we ended up paying down here.
What do you think makes Downtown vibrant?
I think that one of the things that have been really nice to see, with the city, is that they’ve kept a lot of park space Downtown in Red Deer. We’ve got City Hall Park, we’ve got the trail system that runs through Downtown. I think that really helps bring an interesting dynamic to a Downtown core you don’t see in a lot of other places. The other thing that’s neat about here is there are some really established businesses down here that really support Downtown. I think that Downtown is really the heart of the community and for us, it’s an easily accessible place from anywhere in Red Deer to get to. Whether you’re from North end, South end, or East or West, it’s easy to get here, versus some of the other areas which take a while to travel. So, I think that’s part of what makes it vibrant. It’s an intersection and crossroads for the city, so everyone can congregate in the Downtown Core.
I love Downtown Red Deer because… I’m from Red Deer originally, I was born and raised here. Downtown, as I said, it’s the heart of the city. Red Deer’s gone through some rebuilding efforts to do that and I feel like there’s always this opportunity for businesses to establish themselves Downtown and there’s a lot of positive energy that comes along with that. Looking at Downtown Red Deer as this place that’s really favorable for startups to come is really a positive thing for both the City and Downtown Red Deer.
If you’re looking to “elevate your health” be sure to check out Pure! You can visit their website for more information or set up an appointment.