Dad says 5-year-old develops autism after being forced to get 18 vaccines in 1 day

From LifeSiteNews
By Michael Nevradakis Ph. D., The Defender
As part of a custody battle, a Tennessee judge ordered a family to vaccinate all three of their children, all of whom had never been vaccinated. Five-year-old Isaac immediately became ill and was eventually diagnosed with severe regressive autism.
In 2016, David Ihben moved his wife and three children from Chicago to Jamestown, in rural Tennessee, with high hopes for a new and calmer life.
But the dream turned into a nightmare for David and his children in December 2019, when divorce proceedings and a subsequent custody battle resulted in the forced vaccination of the children – and changed the family’s fortunes forever.
Ihben said his ex-wife decided “this wasn’t the life she wanted.” So they were attempting to develop a parenting plan in family court – when Tennessee judge Todd Burnett “pulled up the vaccine issue” after discovering the couple’s children were unvaccinated – and forced the parents to vaccinate their children.
Ihben’s two oldest children – daughter Hannah and son Joseph – were spared significant adverse events following their vaccination.
But his youngest son, Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.
The children’s mother soon abandoned the children, leaving Ihben to raise them as a single parent – even though he is still obliged to pay child support.
Ihben shared his story with Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Vax-Unvax bus. In a subsequent interview with The Defender, he detailed the challenges he faces in caring for Isaac and the harassment he endured from officials in his community. Ihben shared documentation with The Defender verifying his story.
‘How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?’
Ihben told The Defender his entire family was unvaccinated. “I’ve never had any. My dad was drafted by the Army in 1961, and he didn’t get any either. We’ve never vaccinated,” he said. “Our children had to sign religious exemptions for school.”
During divorce proceedings though, his wife’s attorney used the vaccination issue to drive a wedge between the parents.
“When we went to court, I guess her attorney knew that [Burnett] was a pro-vaccine judge and that’s something that they could get me on,” Ihben said.
According to Ihben, Burnett told the couple that it was his “personal opinion that not vaccinating your children is child abuse.” He then told the couple that whichever parent would be willing to vaccinate the children that same day would leave the courthouse with custody.
“I said, ‘Your Honor, we have rights. It’s between the mom and their father,’” Ihben recalled. “Her attorney whispered to her, and she goes, ‘I’ll take them down and vaccinate them today.’”
“I was so surprised, because me and my ex-wife didn’t agree on much, but we did agree on that,” Ihben said, referring to their views on vaccination.
After the hearing, Ihben and his wife were granted joint custody of the children, with their mother as their primary guardian. Later that day, the children received their childhood vaccines – and Isaac immediately became sick.
“My daughter had previous allergies … so the doctor refused to give her all in one day. They split those … She didn’t have any side effects from what I can see,” Ihben said. “[Joseph] was in the ICU for a couple of days but seems to be okay. But [Isaac] spent 12 days in the ICU, eight days with a 106-degree fever.”
Isaac, who was 5 years old at the time, was “just a normal happy kid,” Ihben said.
Today, Isaac has severe regressive autism. Ihben told The Defender:
“He doesn’t talk. He wears a diaper. He eats out of a baby bottle 20-30 times a day, he has speech therapy and will require 24-hour care and supervision for the rest of his life.
“I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in four years. He has to be changed every two hours, or he will have an accident. If you have a child with regressive autism or know someone, you will understand what our days are like.”
Ihben didn’t learn about Isaac’s injuries right away, because the court initially slapped him with a six-month restraining order. When the six months were up, he finally made plans to pick up his children for “two-hour supervised visitation” at a local McDonald’s.
“My youngest comes walking out and I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’” He said his oldest children then told him about what happened to Isaac. “My children told me everything that’s going on. Basically, nobody’s given me information. I had to go off what 10- and 11-year-olds were telling me,” Ihben said.
Ihben tried to find out what happened to Isaac – but encountered more obstacles at Cookeville Regional Medical Center, his local hospital. “The judge had sealed the hospital records. I still cannot get them,” he said.
It wasn’t until he enrolled his daughter in high school that, while obtaining her records from the local health department, he had a chance to view Isaac’s records. That’s when he saw that Isaac had received 18 vaccines in one day.
“How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?” Ihben asked. “I don’t think judges should be dictating medical treatment from the bench.”
According to Ihben, doctors at Vanderbilt University in Nashville said Isaac’s injuries “are a direct result from forced vaccination,” with one doctor telling Ihben that “she’s seen only one other kid that acts like Isaac does.”
Required to continue paying child support, despite mother’s disappearance
Soon after seeing his children for the first time after the custody battle, another surprise was in store for Ihben and his family: Ihben’s ex-wife called to say she and the children had been evicted.
After he kept the children for a week, their mother “got a free house, everything furnished and paid,” and the children were returned to her.
“Then she got evicted from there” in May 2020, Ihben said. He again picked up the children – but that was the last they saw of their mother. According to Ihben, after her second eviction, she left town without a trace.
“We haven’t heard from her or seen her,” Ihben said. “It’ll be five years in May.”
Ihben still pays child support to the state, even though he alone takes care of the children. He said the child support money, which remains uncollected, goes to a state fund – and, if it remains unclaimed, will be confiscated by the state when the children reach adulthood.
Ihben said that though he has gone to court to request full custody of his children or a reduction of his child support payments, he has faced a catch-22 situation.
“The judge said, I can’t do anything unless you get her here in front of me,” Ihben said. “I was like, ‘I’ve served her. Nobody knows where she is.’”
Ihben said he believes the children’s mother didn’t realize Isaac was going to be hurt so badly, and “she just can’t face it.” He added, “I just don’t understand, if she’s been gone almost five years, why she still has full custody, why I still have to pay child support.”
Tennessee laws, local officials pose challenges for raising Isaac
Ihben described the day-to-day realities of caring for Isaac, who will turn 11 next month and just started the fifth grade in a special education program. He said:
“Our lives have changed forever. I can’t have a regular job. I pick up stuff here and there … I have an alarm that goes off every two hours to change Isaac. He eats in the middle of the night … We live out in the country. There’s no bus, so I take him to school back and forth.
“He doesn’t talk, so you don’t know if he’s sick, if he’s upset, if he’s hungry, if he’s cold, if he has a stomach ache … I’ve got a mental list, and I just check it off and hopefully I hit the one that calms him and provides what he needs.”
State rules also pose obstacles. “You’re not allowed to have home healthcare for a disabled child unless you have no other children in the home under 18,” Ihben said.
Ihben noted that Tennessee ranks among the states with the lowest level of funding for autistic children, adding that autistic children are frequently mistreated.
“Our local school district has restraint chairs for autistic children. They are allowed to put Isaac in a chair, to pepper spray him, to tase him. Police departments have no training for dealing with autistic children,” Ihben said.
Ihben said state, county and town officials have attempted to intimidate him and his family.
According to Ihben, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) showed up at his home on Dec. 5, 2023. “Somebody starts beating on the door … there’s a truck at the end of the road, a truck at the end of the other road and two trucks in the driveway. They had assault weapons.”
Ihben said the officers claimed that a social worker wanted to speak with him, but that he refused to open his door for them. He submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the state to find out why his home was raided, but was told there are “no records of anything.”
The TBI raid took a toll on him. “I had a heart attack that night,” he said. “I couldn’t breathe.” He said the incident still affects him today. “I’m sure I have PTSD from it. I’m still under treatment,” Ihben said.
In June 2023, Ihben said he went to his county commission meeting to tell them about what happened to his family. The county commissioner, Jimmy Johnson, left him a voicemail warning him not to hold any rally or protest.
“The commissioner called the sheriff,” Ihben said, but ultimately “they backed off.”
In another incident, Ihben said he was banned from his local Walmart store after a store manager called the police because Isaac “was causing a disturbance.” This obliged Ihben to shop at another Walmart, an hour away from his home.
Ihben said it’s also difficult to find a lawyer to represent him and his family. “No attorney is willing to take on the judge.”
Local officials ‘tried to scare us’ into not doing Vax-Unvax bus interview
Ihben credited CHD and its Tennessee Chapter for helping him and his family. “We wouldn’t be here without CHD helping us out,” Ihben said. “The Tennessee Chapter has helped us out a lot.”
Ihben said he recently saw “Vaxxed 3” with members of the state’s CHD chapter. “What we have to live through every day is horrible, but it could be worse,” Ihben said, citing stories in the film of children who died post-vaccination.
According to Ihben, his efforts to promote CHD initiatives in his community, such as the visit of the Vax-Unvax bus earlier this year, have also been met with intimidation.
“We put a little flyer together [for the Vax-Unvax bus] and we started passing it out,” Ihben said. But on Feb. 1, the day of his bus interview, Ihben said his wife’s attorney, her husband – who is the attorney for the local school board – and Burnett, who mobilized the TBI, “tried to scare us into not doing the bus interview.”
Getting the word out, spreading the message is ‘the only weapon we have’
Isaac has recently shown some improvement, according to Ihben. “He’s doing better slowly … He’s in a lot of therapy. He’s starting to write some numbers and letters on his own. Teachers think he’s reading, but he’s still never said a word.”
Ihben said this has been a learning experience for his oldest children, who will “have to take care of Isaac every day” after his death. “That’s a lifetime commitment.”
Another silver lining, according to Ihben, is that Isaac’s story has become a learning experience for his family and many members of his local community.
“This hasn’t just got me learning. My kids are learning. Hannah and Joseph are learning about their government and their food and their environment. They’re teaching their friends about this.”
For Ihben, getting the word out and spreading the message is “the only weapon we have.” He said, “It’s powerful that my kids’ friends come up and say ‘we’re sorry for what happened to you, we’ve seen the [Vax-Unvax] interview.’”
Ihben said he hopes the message will help other children avoid Isaac’s fate. “I hope Isaac will be the last,” he said.
This article was originally published by The Defender – Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.
Fuelling addiction – The “safe supply” disaster

By Denise Denning
There is a growing schism in the Canadian addiction treatment community regarding safer supply.
[This article was originally published by the MacDonald Laurier Institute and has been syndicated with their permission]
As the death toll from the ongoing opioid poisoning crisis in Canada continues to rise, jurisdictions across the country struggle to find solutions. Safe consumption sites, where people can use drugs in a supervised setting that provides clean syringes and overdose kits, have opened across Canada. Addiction medicine clinics that provide treatments for drug use have proliferated nation-wide. Controversially, the Trudeau government has funded so-called “safer opioid supply” programs that provide powerful pharmaceutical opioids to people who use drugs with the presumption that they will use these in place of street drugs of unknown potency containing numerous and poorly understood toxic adulterants. But even though they lack those toxic adulterants, safer supply drugs are not safe. By virtue of the pharmacology inherent to all opioids, safer supply drugs may be increasing harm.
Unlike safe consumption sites, where people bring their own drugs and use them in a supervised environment, safer supply programs provide people who use opioids with up to 30 tablets per day of the powerful synthetic opioid hydromorphone to take away with them and use elsewhere without any supervision or proof that they are using the drugs themselves. “Safer supply services provide an alternative to the toxic illegal drug supply as a way to help prevent overdoses and can connect people to other health and social services,” touts Health Canada’s safer supply web page. Safer supply programs “build on existing approaches that provide medications to treat opioid use disorder” and these programs are “more flexible and do not necessarily focus on stopping drug use.”
Health Canada’s quietly optimistic tone is echoed and magnified by advocates and activists across the country, who insist that safer supply is “the most important intervention” to save the lives of people who use drugs and cite data suggesting that safer supply is a powerful harm reduction tool for helping people avoid the risks of exposure to sketchy street drugs. And the benefits of safer supply, proponents assert, go beyond saving people from overdose. Safer supply also protects people from the stigma associated with illicit drug use. “Overdose prevention measures that go beyond individual behaviour changes, including providing a safer supply of drugs and eliminating stigma, are paramount to mitigate harms,” asserts one review. “Increasing respectful treatment of people who use substances, and reducing stigma and trauma improves the health of communities,” a review of a drug checking service declares.
“Sociopolitical factors such as prohibition, stigma, and criminalization of people who use drugs have fuelled the current overdose crisis and toxic unregulated drug supply and limited the establishment and scale up of services for people who use drugs,” proclaims another paper promoting the benefits of safer supply.
Certainly, all of us working in addiction treatment agree that putting people in jail does not solve their drug use problems, and everyone should be able to access health care without concerns of being stigmatized. But suggesting that these factors have fuelled the current crisis is an assertion that not only lacks proof but also ignores the material reality of the pharmacology of these drugs and their impact on the human central nervous system.
There is a growing schism in the Canadian addiction treatment community regarding safer supply. Its opponents, who include prominent addiction medicine physicians across Canada, insist that none of the studies of safer supply consider the number of people in safer supply programs who sell or trade their safer supply drugs to buy fentanyl. They point out that the studies finding safer supply beneficial are too narrow in their scope because they only examine the benefits to the patients receiving the safer supply and do not consider diversion and its potential for harm by putting these drugs in the hands of people other than street drug users, such as youth, or people who have stopped using drugs.
In an article published by the Globe and Mail, addiction medicine physician and writer Dr. Vincent Lam wrote about how some of his patients are struggling with their addictions because the hydromorphone has become so cheap and readily available. “Patients of mine who were free of illicit opioids for years now struggle with hydromorphone, which they are buying from those to whom it is prescribed. One told me they prefer to sleep outside rather than in shelters, because they cannot avoid hydromorphone in the shelters. One who has never tried fentanyl – which hydromorphone is meant to protect them from – is injecting high doses of hydromorphone daily, struggling to get off, while their tolerance rapidly increases.”
Another critic of safer supply, Dr. Lori Regenstreif, has seen patients severely harmed when they crush and inject the tablets. “I’ve seen people become quadriplegic and paraplegic because the infection invaded their spinal cord and damaged their nervous system,” she said. And she called the studies in favour of safer supply “customer satisfaction surveys” that do not meet scientific standards of properly conducted research. For instance, a study that has been cited as powerful evidence for the effectiveness of safer supply did not control for patients using methadone or Suboxone, two well-established and effective treatments for opioid use disorder. At baseline, the control group and the study group were using these treatments at roughly the same rates. But the authors didn’t provide the number of participants using these treatments at the study’s end. So, the purported benefits of safer supply could have been from established treatments rather than safer supply.
A word about terminology: referring to these programs as “safer supply” is problematic because it implies that these programs are safe. Dr. Lori Regenstreif suggests the term “take home tablets” as a more neutral alternative that also describes exactly how these programs work. For the rest of this article, the term “take home tablets” or “prescribed opioids” will be used, only retaining “safer supply” in the previous paragraphs for the sake of clarity.
A review of 19 studies advocating for take home tablet programs found “no evidence demonstrating benefits.” For instance, only one of the studies recommended interventions that have been proven to address risk factors for addiction, even though all the studies found high rates of homelessness, unemployment, food insecurity, and other markers for poverty. And none of the studies investigated the implications of diversion, though there is increasing evidence that diversion is widespread. And a more recent review of these programs found that the “Safer Opioid Supply Policy” in British Columbia was associated with “a significant increase in opioid-related poisoning hospitalizations.”
The rhetoric is becoming increasingly heated and politicized. Supporters of take home tablet programs accuse its detractors of denying a potentially life-saving intervention to a vulnerable population of marginalized people. Critics, such as those discussed above, point to the paucity of good quality evidence and the plethora of potential harms from diversion. But what the discussion has been lacking is a consideration of how the pharmacology of these drugs should influence policies regarding the care provided to these marginalized and vulnerable people. Surely the way these drugs act in the human body should provide the underpinning for any evidence-based addiction management program.
Proponents of take home tablet programs will say, correctly, that opioids have been used for at least 3,000 years in the form of opium from Papaver somniferum, the poppy. Modern opioid pharmacology emerged out of the synthesis of morphine from opium in 1806. All opioids are derived from four compounds, including morphine, that are found in opium. Heroin is nothing more than morphine with a tweak to its molecule rendering it more fat soluble. Compared with water soluble substances, products that are fat soluble are better able to penetrate the blood brain barrier and enter the central nervous system. When heroin is injected, users experience a euphoric rush that they wouldn’t experience as intensely from injecting morphine, even though it’s almost the same drug as morphine, and within half an hour after injection, heroin is converted into morphine.
Stimulation of the opioid receptors by morphine and all its myriad opioid kin results in the classic effects of opioids such as pain relief, euphoria, sedation, respiratory depression, reduced heart rate, and a slowing of the gastrointestinal tract resulting in constipation. As the dosage is increased, respiration slows further, and patients sometimes experience nausea and vomiting. Depending on the dose taken and the person’s tolerance, increasing sedation may progress to coma and respiratory arrest. Opioids kill people by sedating them so deeply they stop breathing.
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With chronic use, opioids cause adaptations in the body resulting in tolerance such that these habitual users require higher doses to achieve the same degree of euphoria. The flip side of tolerance is the withdrawal that happens when the person stops using and their autonomic nervous system goes into overdrive. The greater the tolerance, the worse the withdrawal, characterized by nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, bone and joint aches, tremors, anxiety, goosebumps, sweating, restlessness. Opioid withdrawal isn’t generally fatal but may be if patients develop heart arrhythmias from electrolyte loss and autonomic overstimulation.
Tolerance and withdrawal are the evil twins of addiction. Addictive drugs have a rapid onset of action, produce a euphoriant effect, and have a short duration of action. The relative addictive potential of these drugs may be predicted by how much they adhere to these intersecting characteristics. For instance, morphine is less addictive than oxycodone, the active ingredient in OxyContin. Both morphine and oxycodone are rapid acting, produce euphoria, and have a short duration of action. Both may induce tolerance and withdrawal. But morphine gets metabolized to another substance that is more potent and sustains the opioid effect, and it accumulates if the person uses it every day. Morphine in effect has a longer duration of action compared with oxycodone, which has no active metabolites. A person who takes oxycodone will experience rapidly dropping blood levels as the drug is metabolized and excreted, leaving the user in withdrawal and craving more.
The manufacturers of the oxycodone product OxyContin infamously made a case for their product being less addictive because they formulated it into a long-acting dosage form that released the drug gradually over an 8-to-12-hour period. The story of OxyContin has been exhaustively covered elsewhere, and I won’t rehash it here. In brief: people quickly discovered that OxyContin’s sustained-release matrix could be easily defeated by chewing or crushing the tablets, thus releasing the drug all at once, and as knowledge of this hack spread, a growing public health crisis ensued, resulting in the destruction of communities, massive numbers of arrests as people seeking pain relief became criminalized by their addiction, and thousands of deaths across Canada and the United States.
The hydromorphone given to fentanyl users in safer supply programs is about five times stronger than morphine and four times stronger than oxycodone. It exerts its maximal effect in one to two hours and lasts for around three to four hours. In terms of relative addictiveness by virtue of its pharmacology, hydromorphone in theory would sit between heroin and fentanyl, though in a subset of a study called NAOMI, where people who use heroin were provided hydromorphone in place of heroin without their knowledge, none of the 25 participants could tell the difference.
Then there’s fentanyl. When injected, the onset of action for morphine and oxycodone is about 10 minutes. Injected fentanyl works almost immediately, and it is fat soluble, meaning that it can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and get into the brain with ease. The duration of action for morphine and oxycodone is similar, about 4 to 6 hours. Fentanyl’s duration of action is 30 to 60 minutes, maybe stretching to 2 hours if it’s injected intramuscularly rather than intravenously.
Fentanyl has a faster onset of action compared with other opioids, it produces a powerful euphoria by virtue of being about fifty times stronger than morphine, and its effects last about half as long at most. In other words, the public health disaster that has resulted from the widespread proliferation of fentanyl in the street drug supply could have been predicted from its pharmacology. Recall how people who use heroin could not distinguish it from hydromorphone. In contrast, fentanyl users prefer fentanyl because hydromorphone is not strong enough. There is increasing evidence, albeit anecdotal, that people who use fentanyl will sell their hydromorphone to other users reluctant to try the illicit drug supply. In turn, the pharmacology of these drugs predicts that those hydromorphone users may eventually transition to using fentanyl in search of a better high as their drug use continues and their opioid tolerance deepens.
Data published by Health Canada provides corroboration for this hypothesis. In 2016, fentanyl was implicated in 52 per cent of opioid toxicity deaths in Canada, while non-fentanyl opioids were present in 59 per cent of cases. By 2018, fentanyl and its analogues were present in 80 per cent of opioid toxicity deaths while non-fentanyl opioids had fallen to 46 per cent. As of 2024, fentanyl and its analogues were present in almost all opioid toxicity deaths while the prevalence of non-fentanyl opioids had fallen to 26 per cent.
If hydromorphone isn’t strong enough for fentanyl users, why not give them pharmaceutical fentanyl instead? But there are already stronger analogues of fentanyl, such as carfentanil, that are increasingly found when samples of illicit drugs are analyzed. A recent study discovered that 20 per cent of opioid-containing samples analyzed in Alberta in 2022 contained carfentanil. If drug dealers started losing customers to take home tablet programs (they currently are not), a potential arms race, where dealers increase the potency of their drugs to make them more attractive than legally available options, may result in an illicit drug supply of ever-increasing lethality. And what of the people who use these ultra-strong opioids? Obviously, more people will die. The potency of fentanyl means that people who use it find stopping using profoundly challenging. People working in addiction treatment struggle to help patients who are experiencing the worst withdrawal any of us have ever seen. If ultra-strong opioids dwarfing fentanyl in potency become predominant in the illicit drug supply, the people who survive using these drugs may be predicted to experience a withdrawal syndrome that approaches the limits of human misery.
And therein lies the harm of these drugs. Whether or not they are criminalized; whether people can freely access them, opioids are potent drugs with many significant side effects and long-term negative effects that worsen over time. People who use legitimately acquired opioids for therapeutic reasons struggle with chronic constipation, cognitive impairment, an increased risk of falls, paradoxical increased sensitivity to pain known as “opioid-induced hyperalgia,” and an ongoing risk of experiencing withdrawal if they are unable to access their medications. All drugs should be used in the context of balancing risks versus benefits, where the harms caused by side effects are balanced against the therapeutic benefits. Like pharmacologists David Juurlink and Matthew Herder said, “Put simply, high-dose opioids constitute a self-perpetuating therapy, with patients left vulnerable by the need for ongoing treatment to avoid withdrawal, itself a pernicious, drug-related harm.”
Comprehensive treatment aimed at recovery is the path forward
These problems are complex and multifaceted, involving intersecting domains of public health, law enforcement, and health care. My main objection to take home tablet programs, apart from the public health disaster to which these programs contribute, is the abandonment of the principle of eventual sobriety for people who use drugs. By giving people the drugs they want, we are giving up on the possibility of a better quality of life for a marginalized population of people, many of whom are self-medicating to deal with trauma that otherwise has been left unaddressed. Addiction is a chronic and long-standing condition marked by relapses. The main risk factors for addiction are mental illness and trauma. In particular, childhood abuse puts people at a magnified risk of having a substance use disorder as an adult. Women who engage in prostitution and use illicit drugs are more likely to have been sexually abused before the age of 15. These are traumatized people who are self-medicating to deal with psychological pain.
The key is to provide comprehensive treatment that aims at full recovery, but in a gradual way that makes use of gradated treatment pathways. This means that a prescribed supply of high potency opioids may be a useful tool for some people in their complex and long-standing journey to sobriety, if used as an adjunct to other treatments and supports. To minimize the risk of diversion, prescribers may use treatment agreements, documents that patients sign where they agree to take their medication as prescribed and not divert it, and submit urine drug screens if requested. But to offer take home tablets in the absence of evidence-based addiction treatment modalities and other psychosocial supports only serves to abandon people to ongoing severe intractable high potency opioid use.
What works for people caught in a web of seemingly intractable severe addiction? The two main treatment paradigms in addiction medicine have traditionally been abstinence-based programs such as the 12-step programs popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous, and harm reduction programs such as methadone maintenance treatment. Abstinence-based programs, as the name suggests, are defined by the all-or-nothing goal of total sobriety. These programs are attractive because of their “Kids, don’t do drugs” simplicity. But this simplicity is deceptive because addiction is complex, and these programs have been found not to work for most people. For instance, abstinence-based programs will frequently kick people out of treatment for using drugs, thus punishing them for the problems that motivated them to seek treatment in the first place. The focus on abstinence means that they minimize the reality that the journey to sobriety is punctuated by relapses. Current Canadian guidelines for the treatment of opioid use disorder warn against simple cessation of drug use without follow up because of the significant risk of overdose. When people stop using opioids, their tolerance wanes. If they relapse and use their former dose, they may suffer a fatal overdose.
The harm reduction treatment paradigm emerged out of the limitations of strict abstinence-based programs that eject patients who lapse, and that don’t offer gradated treatment pathways to gradually get patients to full recovery. Harm reduction accepts drug use with the overall goal, as the name suggests, of reducing the harms associated with using illicit drugs and retaining contact with those patients unwilling or unable to stop all drug use.
Harm reduction in the form of medication assisted treatments such as methadone, Suboxone and Sublocade has been the gold standard of opioid addiction treatment, effective in not only reducing illicit opioid use but also proven to reduce overdose risk, criminal behaviour, risky sexual behaviour, and the transmission of blood-borne infections propagated by needle sharing. Medication assisted treatments are also found improve people’s lives in the domains of social determinants of health, such as going back to school, finding employment, and regaining custody of children. And these programs have been proven to save lives, reducing mortality from overdose, suicide, alcohol, and even from causes one would not intuitively associate with drug use, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Medication assisted treatments are a resoundingly science-based harm reduction modality and should be the treatments of first choice offered to this vulnerable population.
But harm reduction is just one of the four pillars of addiction recovery. Harm reduction by itself saves lives, but it doesn’t help people move forwards towards sobriety. The other three pillars of addiction recovery are prevention, treatment, and enforcement. Prevention addresses the risk factors for addiction and involves treatment for mental illnesses and proper, more comprehensive pain management treatment plans that go beyond just prescribing painkillers. Enforcement means preventing these drugs or their precursors from entering Canada or prosecuting those who sell illicit drugs. And treatment for people who use drugs must involve not only just harm reduction, but also a comprehensive range of services such as housing supports, counselling and other psychosocial services, and employment support.
Take home tablet programs are based on two presumptions: firstly, that people receiving these drugs will use them in place of street drugs and not just sell them to buy street drugs, as they do; and secondly, that opioids are safe to take as long as the dose is not excessive. Given that these two presumptions are false, the only conclusion we can reach is that take home tablet programs do not reduce harm, but increase it. I concede that providing people with legally sourced opioids reduces their risk of criminal prosecution, and there is a reduction in stigma when you give people what they want without judgment, but this is a false dichotomy – you can achieve reductions in prosecution with better treatment, rather than supporting objectively harmful behaviour in the name of destigmatization. At the end of the day, stigma doesn’t kill people – bad drugs do, and providing people who use drugs with the wraparound supportive services that they need and have been shown to work is more complex, and probably more expensive. But complex problems are rarely solved by simple solutions.
Denise Denning is a correctional pharmacist with background in addiction treatment. After graduating from the University of Toronto Faculty of Pharmacy, Denning completed a specialized residency in the treatment of drug and alcohol use at the Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto (now CAMH). She worked as the pharmacist at the Toronto Jail for 17 years, and the pharmacy manager at the Toronto South Detention Centre for 8 years, where she provided clinical advice on the management of patients with opioid use disorder and supervised the preparation of methadone doses. She also worked part time for four years at a pharmacy providing mostly methadone in downtown Toronto. Currently, she is the provincial pharmacy manager for the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General, where she provides guidance on medication related policies and procedures for that province’s correctional facilities.
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Red Deer
Historic Gift to Transform Cardiac Care in Central Alberta

The Red Deer Regional Health Foundation is honored to announce a historic $10 million donation that will bring life – saving cardiac care to Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre.
This extraordinary gift, generously contributed by Joan Donald, John and Heather Donald, and Peter and Kathy Lacey, is the largest donation in the foundation’s history and will play a critical role in establishing the previously announced interim cardiac catheterization lab at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre.
“For too long, Central Albertans have faced an unacceptable reality—if you suffer a heart attack in Red Deer, you must be transported to Calgary or Edmonton for the care you need,” said Manon Therriault, CEO of the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation. “And when every second counts, that distance can mean the difference between life and death.
Thanks to this transformational gift, more lives will be saved, and more families will be spared the fear of waiting for a transfer.”
The impact of this generosity is profound. With the interim cardiac catheterization lab, it is estimated that 160 lives will be saved in the 5 years leading up to the establishment of a permanent lab. Patients will receive timely, specialized care closer to home, significantly improving outcomes and reducing the burden on families.
“A gift like this does not happen by chance—it takes vision, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to community,” Manon added. “Joan, John, Heather, Peter, and Kathy have set a powerful example of what philanthropy can achieve. Their generosity is not just a donation; it is a legacy of life-saving care for generations to come.”
This milestone underscores the crucial role of philanthropy in advancing healthcare. The Red Deer Regional Health Foundation extends its deepest gratitude to the Donald and Lacey families for their remarkable generosity and commitment to a healthier future for Central Alberta.
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Former Chief Judge of Manitoba Proincial Court will lead investigation into AHS procurement process
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Province announces funding for interim cardiac catheterization lab at the Red Deer Regional Hospital
National3 hours ago
Trudeau fills Canadian courts with Liberal-appointed judges before resigning as prime minister
International10 hours ago
Freeland hints nukes from France, Britain can protect Canada from the Trump ‘threat’
Red Deer8 hours ago
Historic Gift to Transform Cardiac Care in Central Alberta
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Premiers Rally For Energy Infrastructure To Counter U.S. Tariff Threats
Bruce Dowbiggin11 hours ago
The High Cost Of Baseball Parity: Who Needs It?