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Dan Knight

Corruption, Crime, and Economic Chaos: Trudeau’s Canada Exposed in QP


9 minute read

The Opposition with Dan Knight

Liberals Stonewall Corruption Probe, Bail System in Shambles, and Economy Sinks Below Alabama—All While Seniors and Canadians Struggle to Survive

This is a pilot—we’ve never reviewed Canada’s Question Period (QP) before. But after yesterdays circus, we might have to make this a regular thing. If you like this summary, comment, like, and share.

Yesterdays Question Period in Canada’s Parliament was exactly what you’d expect from Justin Trudeau’s government—pure corruption and delusion. We’re talking blatant scandals, crumbling economic conditions, and, of course, Trudeau’s ministers tripping over themselves to defend the indefensible. Let’s break it down, and remember—this is your money, your future, and your freedoms on the line.

Liberal Corruption: $400 Million in Self-Dealing

First up: corruption. Trudeau’s Liberals are embroiled in yet another scandal, this time involving $400 million in contracts funneled to Liberal insiders. The Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, hammered the government for refusing to hand over documents to the RCMP. These documents are crucial to investigating 184 cases of conflicts of interest uncovered by the Auditor General. In other words, the Liberals are using your tax dollars to line their own pockets.

The MP from Regina-CapelMichael Kram, went after the government, asking the obvious question: why is Trudeau hiding these documents? Why are Liberals protecting their insiders while Canadians can’t even afford to feed their families? Poilievre demanded accountability, but what did the Liberal House Leader, Karina Gould, have to say? That the Conservatives were trying to “trample the Charter rights” of Canadians by asking for these documents.

Hold on. The Liberals are talking about Charter rights? Let’s get real here. These are the same Liberals who trampled all over Charter rights when they invoked the Emergencies Act in 2022. They shut down protests, froze bank accounts of peaceful demonstrators, and trampled on freedom. Trudeau’s government violated Canadians’ most basic freedoms, but now they’re hiding behind the Charter to dodge corruption allegations? The hypocrisy is nauseating.

Bail Reform: Trudeau’s “Hug-a-Thug” Program Exposed

And while we’re on the subject of failure, let’s talk about crime. Trudeau’s government has created a public safety nightmare. Under his watch, criminals walk free because of his “hug-a-thug” bail policies. Today, Pierre Poilievre exposed yet another case: a repeat violent offender, out on bail, shot a police officer. This is the reality in Trudeau’s Canada—violent offenders arrested, released, and committing more crimes. All while our police officers are under siege.

The Justice Minister, Arif Virani, blamed the provinces, as usual. No solutions. Just excuses. He tried to shift the blame, while the streets remain unsafe. Virani’s response to a cop getting shot by a criminal on bail? Crickets. Meanwhile, families across the country are afraid to walk down their own streets.

Canada is Now Poorer Than Alabama: The Liberal Legacy of Economic Collapse

And if you think that’s bad, let’s dive into Trudeau’s economic disaster. Under his leadership, Canadians are now poorer than people in Alabama. That’s right—an Economist report compared Canada’s living standards to one of the poorest states in the U.S., and guess what? Canada came up short. How’s that for leadership?

Adam Chambers, the MP from Simcoe North, laid out the truth. Canada has the worst consumer debt in the G7, housing costs have doubled, and GDP growth is projected to be the worst in the OECD until 2060. 2060! That’s how long the Trudeau nightmare will haunt Canada. And what do the Liberals say in response? Jean-Yves Duclos, the Public Services Minister, bragged about their investments in “affordable housing.” What a joke. This government built six affordable housing units in a riding over the course of years. Six!

But it gets better. Trudeau’s government keeps parading around their dental care plan like it’s some kind of win. Great—Canadians can get their teeth fixed, but they can’t afford to buy food! What’s the point of dental care when families are lining up at food banks? The Liberals are so out of touch with reality it’s unreal.

Seniors: Two Classes, One Betrayal

The Bloc Québécois and NDP didn’t hold back on the government either. They called out Steven MacKinnon, the Minister of Labor and Seniors, for continuing to create two classes of seniors. Right now, seniors aged 65 to 74 are being treated like second-class citizens because the Liberals refuse to increase their Old Age Security (OAS) by 10%. Seniors over 75 get the bump, but if you’re under 75? Forget about it.

The Bloc MP from SheffordAndréanne Larouche, ripped into MacKinnon, accusing him of failing seniors in his own riding. But MacKinnon, like a good Liberal, brushed it off, hiding behind weak excuses. Larouche was right—this government is willing to throw seniors under the bus to avoid a political fight. MacKinnon had the nerve to lecture us about how well the Liberals are doing for seniors, but all we see are skyrocketing costs, poverty, and broken promises.

“Hate Speech”? No, It’s Just Speech

Finally, we need to address the elephant in the room—this obsession with so-called “hate speech.” NDP MP Leah Gazan pushed her bill to classify residential school denialism as hate speech. Let’s be clear: we all agree that residential schools were a horrific chapter in Canadian history. But this isn’t about that. This is about free speech.

You may not like what someone has to say, but free speech exists for a reason. It allows us to have a dialogue, to debate, to confront bad ideas with good ones. Labeling everything you disagree with as “hate speech” only shuts down conversation. And let’s be real—Trudeau’s government is the last group of people that should be defining what is or isn’t acceptable speech. These are the same people who trampled on free expression during the Freedom Convoy protests. Speech is speech. You either support free speech, or you don’t.

This has been your first recap of Canada’s Question Period—what a disaster zone. Trudeau’s Liberals are corrupt, out of touch, and more interested in defending their friends than helping Canadians. Crime is out of control, the economy is in free fall, and seniors are being thrown under the bus. And don’t even get me started on the hypocrisy of Liberals defending Charter rights after invoking the Emergencies Act to crush dissent.

Let’s get the truth out there. If you like what you’ve read, comment, like, and share. Should we keep this going? Let us know.

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Dan Knight

How John Rustad Dismantled Woke Politics: From Independent MLA to Leader of BC’s Official Opposition

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From The Opposition with Dan Knight 

The Stunning Collapse of BC United!

Kevin Falcon Shocks Supporters by Dissolving BC United Campaign – Throws Full Support Behind John Rustad and BC Conservatives

In a stunning turn of events, Kevin Falcon, leader of BC United, announced on August 28, 2024, that he is suspending his party’s campaign and encouraging all BC United supporters to rally behind John Rustad and the Conservative Party of BC. This decision marks a pivotal moment in British Columbia’s political landscape, a direct response to what Falcon describes as the urgent need to prevent another four years under the NDP government, which he deems disastrous.

“I got back into politics because I wanted to build a bright future for my daughters and the next generation of British Columbians,” Falcon stated. “Today, I’m stepping back for the same reason. We cannot defeat the NDP if the centre-right vote is split,” he continued, acknowledging the strategic necessity of uniting the conservative base to challenge the current government effectively.

The Rise of John Rustad: From Political Outcast to Conservative Champion

John Rustad’s journey to becoming a formidable force in BC politics has been nothing short of remarkable. Rustad, originally a Liberal MLA, was expelled from the BC Liberal Party in 2022 over his outspoken views on climate change—a stance that clashed with the party’s official position. Facing the political wilderness, Rustad chose to embrace his independence, not as a setback, but as a launchpad to champion conservative values and dismantle what he termed “woke politics” that have permeated British Columbia’s governance under the NDP.

Refusing to be silenced or canceled, Rustad joined the BC Conservative Party and quickly ascended to its leadership. Under his stewardship, the party’s popularity surged. Initially dismissed by many as a marginal player, the BC Conservatives were polling at a meager 5%. However, Rustad’s relentless campaigning and his unapologetic stance on free enterprise, resource development, and opposition to what he sees as the radical policies of the NDP quickly gained traction among disaffected voters across the province.

Taking the Fight to the Establishment

Rustad’s ascent is not just a story of political survival; it’s a declaration of war against the entrenched political establishment in British Columbia. His leadership has focused on highlighting the failures of the NDP government, from economic mismanagement to their handling of law and order. His message resonated particularly in rural and suburban areas, where many feel alienated by what they perceive as the metropolitan, progressive policies of the current government.

Falcon’s endorsement and the suspension of BC United’s campaign represent a seismic shift, recognizing Rustad’s leadership and the growing momentum behind the Conservatives. In recent polls, the Conservative Party of BC, under Rustad, has surged to 38%, within striking distance of the NDP’s 40%. This remarkable turnaround positions Rustad and his party as the official opposition and a credible alternative government in waiting.

A New Conservative Dawn for British Columbia?

The decision by Falcon to throw BC United’s support behind Rustad is a testament to the latter’s ability to galvanize support and articulate a vision for a post-NDP British Columbia. Falcon’s move effectively consolidates the conservative vote, reducing the risk of vote-splitting that has historically hampered the right-of-centre parties in the province.

Rustad’s focus on dismantling “woke politics” resonates with a broad swath of voters frustrated with what they see as government overreach, a decline in public safety, and an economic environment that stifles free enterprise. His promise to put “British Columbians first” and his defiance against both the NDP and liberal elites have made him a populist icon for many.

“People are looking for change,” Rustad said recently. “They are not looking for what has been.” With the campaign now gearing up, Rustad is poised to take his fight directly to the doors of the NDP, aiming to reshape British Columbia’s future with a conservative agenda that promises to roll back the perceived excesses of the current government.

As the province heads towards a critical election, all eyes will be on whether Rustad can translate his momentum into electoral victory and bring about the conservative revolution he promises. For now, the suspension of BC United’s campaign is a clear sign: Rustad and the BC Conservatives are the real deal, ready to take on the political establishment and, potentially, lead British Columbia into a new conservative era.

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Dan Knight

Trudeau’s $191 Million Scandal – Auditor General Exposes Rampant Cronyism with McKinsey Contracts

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Auditor General’s Scathing Report Reveals Rampant Cronyism and Security Breaches—Conservatives Demands Accountability from Trudeau’s Inner Circle

In a stunning display of government largesse, Auditor General Karen Hogan dropped a bombshell at Meeting No. 128 of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. Her report pulled back the curtain on a festering pit of crony capitalism under the Trudeau administration. Brace yourselves, folks, because what you’re about to hear is jaw-dropping.

Since 2015, contracts with the consulting firm McKinsey have skyrocketed to an eye-popping $191 million. Let that sink in for a moment. That’s a meteoric rise from a measly one million dollars in the years prior under Harper. So, what changed? Did McKinsey suddenly become a hundred times more competent, or does it have to do with whose in power?

Hogan’s report doesn’t dance around the issue. Oh no, it dives headfirst into the cesspool of corruption swirling around Trudeau’s inner circle. A staggering 70% of contracts with McKinsey were handed out non-competitively, totaling a mind-boggling $118 million. And if that wasn’t enough to make your blood boil, get this: almost half of these contracts lacked the necessary documentation to justify their existence. That’s right, folks, your tax dollars are being thrown around like confetti at a Liberal fundraiser, with little to no accountability.

But wait, it gets worse. Hogan’s audit uncovered a disturbing pattern of government departments using Crown corporations as their personal piggy banks to avoid pesky things like competitive procurement requirements. It’s crony capitalism 101, folks, and Trudeau’s minions are playing the game with gusto.

And as if all that wasn’t enough to make you reach for the pitchforks, Hogan also exposed shocking security breaches within government networks. Contractors were given access to sensitive information without the proper security clearances, putting the privacy of Canadians at risk. It’s a blatant disregard for basic security protocols that would make even the most amateur hacker blush.

But here’s the kicker, folks: despite all the damning evidence laid bare by Hogan’s report, there’s been nary a peep from Trudeau or his cronies about taking responsibility. It’s the same old song and dance we’ve come to expect from this government – sweeping corruption under the rug while hardworking Canadians foot the bill.

It’s high time for some accountability, and thankfully, not everyone in Ottawa is willing to let this scandal slide. Enter Conservative MP Stephanie Kusie. In a bold move to expose the deep-seated corruption within the Trudeau government, Kusie introduced a motion that promises to peel back the layers of deceit and cronyism surrounding the Prime Minister’s cozy relationship with McKinsey. This motion aims to call forth a comprehensive list of witnesses to further investigate the damning issues highlighted in Auditor General Karen Hogan’s recent report.

Here’s the rundown of the motion: Kusie is calling for appearances from:

  • Dominic Barton, former Global Managing Partner of McKinsey
  • Bob Sternfeld, current Global Managing Partner of McKinsey
  • Boyan Gerasimov, former Engagement Manager at McKinsey and former Director of Policy to the Minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada
  • McKinsey Canada officials responsible for securing government contracts
  • The President of the Treasury Board and relevant department officials
  • The Minister of Public Services and Procurement and relevant department officials
  • Officials from the Department of National Defense, Immigration, Business Development Bank of Canada, Export Development Canada, Public Sector Pension Investment Board, Trans Mountain Corporation, and Canada Infrastructure Bank

Kusie’s motion is a clear message to Trudeau’s swamp dwellers: your time is up. The proposed list of witnesses is set to shine a light on the rampant favoritism and misuse of taxpayer dollars that have come to define Trudeau’s tenure. This move is not just about McKinsey, but about unearthing the broader patterns of misconduct and lack of transparency that permeate this administration.

But what did the Liberals do in response? They filibustered the motion by running out the clock of the committee. Typical. However, fret not, my dear readers. This motion is set to be debated on Wednesday. The Liberals can delay, they can obfuscate, but they can’t hide from the truth forever.

The stage is set for a monumental showdown that could finally bring Trudeau and his cronies to justice for their actions. This is about more than just contracts and dollars—it’s about the very soul of our nation. Canadians deserve a government that upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency, not one that constantly betrays public trust.

The stage is set for a showdown that could finally hold Trudeau and his cronies accountable for their actions. Stay tuned, folks, because the battle for transparency and integrity in government is just heating up. The swamp-sucking Laurentian elite, led by Trudeau himself, might try to run, but they can’t hide forever. Come Wednesday, the Trudeau Liberals will face the music and answer for their rampant cronyism and corruption. It’s time for these elitists to pay the piper and for Canadians to reclaim their government.

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