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College Volleyball Player Claims School Deceived Her Into Living With Transgender Roommate


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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 


By Mariane Angela

A college volleyball player revealed Friday on Fox News that San Jose State University (SJSU) misled her into sharing an apartment with a man who identifies as transgender.

SJSU volleyball team co-captain Brooke Slusser said that the school facilitated her living with a transgender teammate without disclosing to her her roommate’s biological sex during an appearance on “The Ingraham Angle.” Slusser transferred to the university in her junior year and was advised to move into a housing situation with what she believed were all-female teammates.

“I transferred here my junior year and was recommended to move into an apartment with a group of girls, I assumed,” Slusser told Laura Ingraham. “And so I moved in and later on came to find out that one of them was a man with no knowledge and would not have made that decision if I had known beforehand that I would be living with a man.”

During the same interview, International Women’s Forum attorney May Mailman voiced concerns about recent policies from the Biden administration affecting female athletes.

“But where is Kamala Harris? The Biden-Harris administration issued a Title IX regulation that will send the full weight of the federal government to take your funding away if you misgender somebody, quote, unquote, misgender someone,” Mailman said. “And here we have women being injured. We have women receiving death threats. We have women having to shower with men. And does Kamala Harris have anything to say about it? No, she doesn’t. So this is a federal government issue.”

The Biden administration expanded Title IX protections in April, detailing new federal safeguards for LGBT students and sexual assault survivors and broadening the scope of what constitutes sexual harassment in educational settings. This rule has been blocked by courts in a number of states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho.

The controversy extends beyond the federal government to other significant figures in sports administration, as Mailman said that Charlie Baker, President of the NCAA, has been similarly called out for his silence.

“This is also a Charlie Baker issue. He is the president of the NCAA. He has received more than 7,000 individualized letters that the Independent Women’s Forum has facilitated, silence, nothing,” Mailman continued.

The revelation comes after Utah State University became the fourth institution to forfeit its upcoming women’s volleyball game against SJSU on Oct. 23 amid ongoing disputes over a player’s gender identity, NBC News reported. This decision follows similar actions by the University of Wyoming, Boise State University and Southern Utah University, all of which have dropped matches against the California team in the past three weeks.

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Bruce Dowbiggin

Rogers Buys Out Bell In MLSE Shakeup: What Does It Mean For Fans?

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There is an old joke that Canada has two seasons. Summer. And the months when the Toronto Maple Leafs lead the nightly Canadian sports networks. Perhaps it’s not that bad, but for those who don’t live in southern Ontario it often feels that way.

The reason, some said, for this Buds obsession was that both TSN and Rogers Sportsnet were part owners of the team through Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment, a business giant created in 2011 when the warring telcos took equal  percentage shares in MLSE (Larry Tanenebaum took the final 25 percent, now 20 percent after selling a share to The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System.)

At the time the merger of Bell (TSN) and Sportsnet (Rogers) was compared to Twitter and Facebook deciding to partner. Such was the rivalry that many predicted it wouldn’t last. But it did—if you don’t include Stanley Cups. Until this past week when it was announced that, if approved, Rogers will buy out Bell’s stake in MLSE, leaving it with 75 percent ownership. The process should close next year.

Rogers also has an option to buy out Tanenbaum next year, giving it complete control of the Leafs, Raptors, Argos (CFL), Toronto FC (MLS) and Toronto’s ScotiaBank Centre, among other baubles.  (The new Toronto WNBA team is owned by Tannenbaum  and several partners.)

Why the deal? Why now? Despite the huge national audience for the NHL, NBA and MLB, the component parts are said to be underperforming in a time when equity in sports franchises is soaring. Rogers’ national NHL TV contract is a significant drain on revenues. The Blue Jays’ flopping in the standings has left them a “stranded money-losing team” whose value isn’t fully reflected within Rogers. The Raptors are now also-rans.

Bell’s debt rating was downgraded to one notch above junk in August by Moody’s Investors Service. While not to the point of selling pencils there’s a thought that packaged as a group under one owner, the teams will now be more lucrative and, possibly, lead to an IPO in the future.

What does it mean for sports fans? For now, not much change. TSN is getting a 20-year agreement to get 50 percent of the regular-season Leafs and Raptors games. So it will have an NHL/ NBA presence until April. (It also has regional Montreal Canadiens rights.) TSN also has a strong NFL, tennis and golf presence. Rogers will have the existing property rights for the NHL playoffs as well as regional interests in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa. Plus its existing monopoly on the Blue Jays broadcasts.

Bell is reportedly interested in cutting its property inventory and concentrating on “5G, cloud and enterprise solutions”. TSN says it remains the prime media backer of the CFL, even though it no longer has an ownership position. Mediocre Toronto FC remain an add-on with a niche audience. As NHL national rights holder, Sportsnet (using CBC as a cutout) will still be the major outlet for postseason hockey. It’s also the exclusive home of the Blue Jays and the MLB postseason.

What does it mean in business terms? Despite the apparent cordiality of the deal, there is a fly in the ointment should digital companies such as Amazon, Prime, Apple, YouTube or Disney decide to bid on the primo national NHL broadcast rights packages. Already big leagues such as NFL, MLB and NBA have hived off packages to these outfits. Could they drive the price past Rogers’ comfort zone?

All this begs the question of what happens to the Raptors, Argos and Toronto FC which have fallen from their hip status of years prior. It’s well known that Rogers execs aren’t fond of Raptors president/ GM Masai Ujiri. Will they get the love in the C suite to bid on the top basketball contracts? Ditto Toronto FC, a pet project of Tanenbaum’s. It competes nationally with other Canadian teams. Will it have an ally in the front office?

If there is an ally it will have to be the peripatetic new CEO Keith Pelley who returns to Canada from running the European PGA Tour after stints running TSN, Rogers Sportsnet, the 2010 Winter Olympics  and the Toronto Argos. Pelley knows all the broadcast and sports players firsthand from his prior gigs. He’s seen as an innovator but he also has good friends in the traditional sports leagues.

The one certainty is that cable and satellite packages will not decrease in price. Nor will ticket prices as pro sports continues to stretch the boundaries on how much people will pay for tickets (still a key revenue for NHL owners). And, for those wondering, the chances of leading newscasts with a Maple Leafs practice will be remain very strong for the future.

Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public Broadcaster  A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada’s top television sports broadcaster, he’s a regular contributor to Sirius XM Canada Talks Ch. 167. His new book Deal With It: The Trades That Stunned The NHL And Changed hockey is now available on Amazon. Inexact Science: The Six Most Compelling Draft Years In NHL History, his previous book with his son Evan, was voted the seventh-best professional hockey book of all time by . His 2004 book Money Players was voted sixth best on the same list, and is available via

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Danielle Smith confirms Alberta will introduce bill to ban men from competing in women’s sports

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Proposed legislation would apply to ‘all competitive women’s and girls’ sports and all provincial sporting organizations as well as in our schools and postsecondary competitive sporting divisions,’ the Alberta premier said.

Alberta will soon introduce a law that bans gender-confused men from competing in women’s sports, Premier Danielle Smith announced.

“As it pertains to women and girls in competitive sports, proposed legislation will be tabled that prohibits individuals born biologically male from competing against women and girls in competitive sporting competitions,” Smith said earlier in the week in an announcement on her X account.

The new law will mean that women and girls in the province will be protected from having to compete against biological men who claim to be women in all sporting scenarios.

Smith, who leads the ruling United Conservative Party (UCP), said the new law will apply to “all competitive women’s and girls’ sports and all provincial sporting organizations as well as in our schools and postsecondary competitive sporting divisions.”

Smith noted that her government would “support the formation of additional” and possibly transgender-only “coed and recreational divisions so that all athletes have as many opportunities as possible to compete in their sport of choice.”

Smith said that before her new bill is tabled in the legislature she is looking to “depoliticize the discussion and focus on the well-being of the children and youth most affected by these policies.”

Earlier in the year, she said her government was looking to bring forth legislation banning gender-confused men from competing in women’s sports.

Alberta’s new law prohibiting men from competing in women’s sports comes after studies have repeatedly revealed that gender-confused males have a considerable advantage over women in athletics.

Indeed, a recent study published in Sports Medicine found that a year of transgender hormone drugs results in “very modest changes” in the inherent strength advantages of men.

The news of the new bill also comes as the UCP looks to November to bring forth a resolution that calls on the government to introduce a law protecting “female spaces” for biological females and their children.

The UCP under Smith wants to bring forth laws focusing on parental rights as well as protecting Albertans’ general rights.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, part of Smith’s new bill would allow parents to opt their children into sexual education lessons rather than opt them out.

LifeSiteNews recently reported on forthcoming legislation to be introduced by the UCP that includes a provision that would cement parental rights as a “God-given right,” with the goal to prevent government overreach into parents raising kids.

It is expected that the UCP government will introduce its new “Bill of Rights” this fall. The bill contains a slew of pro-freedom proposals, including enshrining the “right to life” into law from “conception, gestation in the womb.”

The bill also includes a section that guarantees each citizen has the “right” to medical “informed consent” as well as the “right” to “refuse vaccinations.”

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