Lyndon Rush has achieved medals at the highest levels of competition during his bobsledding career. He was originally recruited to be a bobsled brakeman. Following a...
Rob Kerr was a sports play-by-play announcer, a reporter, producer and host for more than two decades. He started his broadcasting career in the 1990s as...
‘The Ferbey Four’ curling team, consisted of skip Randy Ferbey, 3 rd Dave Nedohin, 2nd Scott Pfeifer and lead Marcel Rocque. Considered one of the most...
The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame presents their 2019 Inductees; three athletes, three builders, one team and three Award recipients. These ten Albertans will have their...
Betty Carveth Dunn (nee Carveth), enshrined in the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame just 2 years ago, has died. Betty, a member of the Rockford Peaches...
December 3, 2019 The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame presents their 2019 Inductees; three athletes, three builders, one team and three Award recipients. These ten Albertans...
From the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame Deck the Halls – 31 Days of Giving November 21 – December 21, 2018 This year at the Alberta...
As part of our series Celebrating Alberta’s Sports History in partnership with the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, we look back on the phenomenal...
One Month to NEW deadline: September 30, 2018 at 4:30 pm MST Nominate today, our new nomination deadline is one month away! The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame...
Change in nomination deadline to: September 30, 2018 at 4:30 pm MST Nominate today, our new nomination deadline is right around the corner! The Alberta Sports...