This post was written by Mark Ogden, a graduate of Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School in Red Deer. Mark lost his son in Saskatchewan due to...
From Red Deer RCMP Red Deer RCMP assist in uncovering nationwide theft operation A number of recent high-value shoplifting thefts in Red Deer led to the...
No one wants this COVID-19 pandemic to be our new normal and no one wants to get back to playing in front of packed crowds dancing...
Families with children heading back to school next month are undoubtedly facing as many questions as they have answers right now. One of the first questions...
A Life Saving Medical Test Josef was going for a physical in May. Prior to his appointment it was arranged for him to do blood work...
From the City of Red Deer City Council passes bylaw for mandatory face coverings in City transit vehicles Masks are required in City transit in Red...
For Red Deer luthier David Gilmore, it’s really all about the wood. So he was pretty damned jazzed when fate brought him a rare piece of...
Our community honoured Dr. Walter Reynolds with a Candlelight vigil on Friday August 14th. You can watch it here. If you want to donate go to...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Central Alberta Zone are dropping drastically. Just 19 new cases were reported from August 7 to...
School board trustee Bill Christie passes away Christie took great pride serving on school board Red Deer Public Schools’ trustee William “Bill” Christie passed away on...