F45 is for people who are already in shape and want to maintain, and for those who really want to kick their cardio up a notch....
The Government of Canada is issuing payments to workers residing in Canada who have lost income or self-employment income for reasons related to COVID-19. You can...
To do or not to do? That is the question. With my apologies for butchering William Shakespeare’s 1603, Hamlet script from Act 3, Scene 1. Should...
As the days turn into weeks and the weeks are about to turn into months people are finding creative ways to spend their “home” time. In...
What does your business do? THE LINE-X Of RED DEER DIFFERENCE LINE-X® Spray-On Bedliners provide unmatched protection for your vehicle with the toughest, boldest, and most...
What does your business do? I’m a Mortgage Broker. I am able to help you and your family with: -New home purchases -Negotiating your mortgage at...
From Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools RDCRS helps feed families during COVID-19 Red Deer, Alberta During this time of school building closures, Red Deer Catholic Regional...
From Red Deer Public Schools Red Deer Public lays off support staff on June 1 Saturday’s announcement that the provincial government was reducing funds to school...
Information from covid19stats.alberta.ca The number of confirmed cases as of Tuesday, March 31 show 51 cases of COVID-19 in Central Alberta. There are two more cases in...
Critically Important Planning Documents for All Albertans 18 and Over So now that we are doing our best to “flatten the curve” and all have some...