Blackfalds is on track to have a new high school built by 2019, thanks to the Wolf Creek Public School Board. There will be a 700...
I am excited to hear that the city of Red Deer is considering a plan to retrofit homes to solar energy. To fully outfit a home...
As it says in the image that has been floating around social media; “The biggest threat to innovation is internal politics and an organizational culture, which...
Penhold has a population of 3,277. It takes the same time for the residents of Penhold to get to Hunting Hills High School in Red Deer...
Census 2016: Lethbridge fifth-fastest growing city in Canada The upgrade in status is exciting news for the city. “In a good year, we grow by two...
What is as common as a snow storm in Red Deer in February? A healthy debate over oil change intervals at your local garage or car...
I was on the city’s Environment Committee when the province made it’s report. Questions were raised, the panel answered, the report was accepted and the panel...
SOLAR PANELS May I ask a question or 2 or 3? I hear a lot about solar panels, solar power, solar heating, and passive solar heating....
Millions have been spent, and years of study by great minds and equipment has been upgraded and replaced to ensure, double check and triple check our...