The Mayor makes $132,000 plus expenses and it is considered a full time job and our city councillors make only $69,000 plus expenses and they are...
Our current population is 101,002, 5 years ago it was 100,807, so we grew by 195 in 5 years. If we continue on and grow by...
Open Letter to The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance December 8, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Red Deer – Mountain View, AB...
10 years ago the thinking was to build the Aquatic Centre by the recreation centre downtown or by the Michener pool. Committees were struck, consultants hired...
The Red Deer Justice Centre, currently under construction, will be open in 2023. The question remains will the current court house be converted into Red Deer’s...
Open Letter to The Honourable Mona Fortier, Minister of Middle Class Prosperity December 4, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Red Deer – Mountain View, AB Feed...
Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau December 2, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Red Deer – Mountain View, AB Walking the streets of downtown Red Deer,...
From Tiny Iceland can teach the entire world what happens when you science the crap out of a pandemic.
We all see the petition campaigns on Facebook. “Sue Smith” has just signed to support a Ban Plastic Single Use Straw Campaign..She wants you to help. ...
The middle class. This phrase is shrouded in mystery but typically refers to ones occupation, income, education and social status in relation to others. Depending on...