The city of Calgary this week elected the first woman mayor in its history. This is a source of great satisfaction to those citizens who cringe...
Open Letter to the Silent Majority October 21, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Red Deer – Mountain View, AB Fred, a friend of mine from...
This may seem a little strange because I’m going to willingly breech my own doctor / patient confidentiality. I’m not sure what my obligation is here...
“The pandemic will end not when some arbitrary government mandated goals are met. It will end when people decide it should end. Texas has decided”. Dr....
From Danielle Smith To me, equalization, the health transfer and the social transfer combined, are a measure of how much the federal government is overtaxing us....
Canadian NBA star Andrew Wiggins was supposed to be known as a superstar when he was drafted No. 1 overall by Cleveland in the 2014 draft....
Former PM Lester Pearson once fashioned Canada as “honest broker” to the world. With its long history of showing up for the toughest fights, Canada had...
When governments have to release information they really don’t want the public to know about, they’ll release it late Friday afternoon. That’s the one time in...
“Liberals believe everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just as long as it’s the same opinion.” — Anonymous As the Covid-19 virus has morphed, so too...
From Dr. Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. The Copenhagen Consensus Center is...