@Rwesthead Pointed out to Gary Bettman that while Blackhawks fined $2M for abuse coverup, Arizona Coyotes lost draft picks over improperly working out a prospect and...
This article is from Substack Bestselling author Michael Shellenberger has just published a new book, “San Fransicko” about the homeless crisis in San Francisco. Shellenberger has...
A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.— Mark Twain Depending on which media silo you call home, you may not...
The NHL season has begun, for the time being, without Pittsburgh’s star Sidney Crosby and Montreal’s goalie Carey Price. Crosby is rehabbing from surgery on his...
From Red Deer – Lacombe MP Blaine Calkins Statement on Trudeau Liberal’s New Cabinet Ottawa, Ontario – Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his Cabinet. Blaine...
Former MLB catcher Gregg Zaun was a young player working behind the plate in a 1980s game umpired by the gruff Ken Kaiser (who moonlighted as...
Downtown revitalization was a key issue in the 1980 Red Deer municipal election that saw Bob McGhee become our mayor. Downtown revitalization was a key issue...
The city of Calgary this week elected the first woman mayor in its history. This is a source of great satisfaction to those citizens who cringe...
Open Letter to the Silent Majority October 21, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Red Deer – Mountain View, AB Fred, a friend of mine from...
This may seem a little strange because I’m going to willingly breech my own doctor / patient confidentiality. I’m not sure what my obligation is here...