Ok, let’s all take a deep breath now …preferably a fair distance from anyone who’s coughing 😉 Some basic recommendations to keep yourself safe AND sane:...
This is article is abridged for your convenience. Public use of masks to control the coronavirus pandemic (Originally published March 29 by Longrich Paleo Lab) Nicholas...
If you were to see Bigfoot strolling down your back alley, but were too stunned by the spectacle to get it on camera with your phone,...
To do or not to do? That is the question. With my apologies for butchering William Shakespeare’s 1603, Hamlet script from Act 3, Scene 1. Should...
History on the Auction Block…DC Comics 1934 to 2014 As a young comic book collector, I often dreamed of finding a comic book horde. Not a...
You want my idea for the wage subsidy… well here it is. WARNING: It is so simple to implement, there is no way a government would do...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… Charles Dickens was a masterful writer with a superb grasp of the human psyche....
You never know where you’ll find wisdom, or when an otherwise easily ignored bromide might stick with you as something more significant. Years ago, I was...
On March 20 more than 60 vehicles gathered on the corner of 39th Street and 30th Avenue at 10:15 a.m. for a unique experience. It was...
Don Schaffner is a professor of food microbiology at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. He hosts two podcasts called Food Safety Talk and Risky...