From Stossel TV NOTE: This is a US based program. Federal flood insurance is a disaster! As I reported years ago, Federal Flood Insurance encourages idiots...
From the Brownstone Institute BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER ” If you ever puzzle about the source of the loss of trust in our times, this interview is...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Jack Mintz Governments are going to have to address sluggish productivity growth. Either that or get turfed at the polls...
From StosselTV Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg says we waste money in the fight against climate change. Governments spends trillions to fight climate change, but Lomborg says many...
The passing of comedian Tommy Smothers over the holidays almost went unreported. But in 1968, the prime-time TV show featuring Smothers and his brother Dick was...
From the Fraser Institute By Michael Zwaagstra Too many Canadian school boards are getting sidetracked by unnecessary legal battles rather than focusing on educating students. Case...
From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky Many Canadians have woken up this year to find themselves living in the dystopian nation that is Prime Minister Justin...
By LifeSiteNews By Dr. Joseph Mercola The video below features a lecture David E. Martin, Ph.D., gave in Dornach, Switzerland, in late October 2023. Martin is a national intelligence...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Rodney A. Clifton, professor emeritus at the University of Manitoba and a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre...
Borje. You know you’re famous when you can go by a single handle. In Canada, that was the legacy of Borje Salming. The publicity has begun...