A Life Saving Medical Test Josef was going for a physical in May. Prior to his appointment it was arranged for him to do blood work...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Central Alberta Zone are dropping drastically. Just 19 new cases were reported from August 7 to...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Alberta are on a downward trend over the last week, but a big bump in cases...
Producer Notes: What an emotional piece of video here shared by Heidi, and the links between layoffs and suicide in Alberta. The data is very clear...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Alberta are on a downward trend over the last few days. There are 186 active cases...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Alberta are on a downward trend over the last few days. There are 211 active cases...
From Night to Day Steven had struggled with his inability to concentrate since he was 15 years old. This lack of concentration affected many parts of...
From the Facebook page of Paige Campbell Johns I want to propose three general ground rules for interacting with people right now. The rules are: (1) When...
Statement from Mayor Tara Veer, on behalf of City Council, on mask usage in Red Deer “The mandatory use of masks continues to be a topic...
Images from the Province of Alberta As we continue to see growth in active COVID-19 cases it’s very obvious that people in the 20 to...