More funding to increase health-care capacity Up to $36 million in new funding will improve wages and create additional workforce capacity to allow more Albertans to...
Strategies to Manage Persistent Pain Thursday, September 16, 2021 1:00-2:00 pm Red Deer Public Library Facebook Live Come learn more about persistent (chronic) pain from our...
Diabetes runs in my family; my mom has it and my grandma did too. Well before Christmas 2019, at a routine physical my doctor told me...
This article is from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The Justice Centre respectfully asks that you consider sharing this story to help bring attention to...
Since covid vaccines have become one of the early issues of Canada’s election campaign, this article and the article linked within are worthy of our attention....
Team Programs, Individual Training, Adult Leagues Free Open House at The Dome Greetings from The Dome. I hope you all are having an awesome summer! The...
If you know the racetracks in Saskatchewan and Alberta there’s a very good chance you’ve run into the name Tyler Redwood. Tyler has been racing Standardbreds...
Lesley, a senior living alone, has a history of depression, anxiety and obesity. She had attended a number of RDPCN group programs including Sleep, Happiness Basics...
While every doctor who treats patients needs to see this video, so does anyone who fears getting a positive diagnosis. Covid-19 is treatable and if you...
Health issues surfaced in the summer of 2020 for Laura. She had chest pain often and ended up in emergency a few times. She did have...