This week the friends, family, and loved ones of Lindsey More marked the difficult 5th anniversary of her death. In her memory those who love her...
More Important Now Than Ever: Remembrance and a few thoughts on this World Suicide Prevention Day On August 31, 2019 my sister Kelly and I lost...
Getting help on my Journey through Grief It has been about 3 years since I lost my son. Early on I saw a counselor for about...
Producer Notes: What an emotional piece of video here shared by Heidi, and the links between layoffs and suicide in Alberta. The data is very clear...
From Night to Day Steven had struggled with his inability to concentrate since he was 15 years old. This lack of concentration affected many parts of...
From the Facebook page of Paige Campbell Johns I want to propose three general ground rules for interacting with people right now. The rules are: (1) When...
From the Province of Alberta Building a recovery community in Red Deer Alberta’s government is providing up to $5 million to build a recovery community...
Engaging in Mindfulness Renee will lead you in two short mindfulness practices. Try some short mindfulness practices to engage in the present moment, this small gratitude...
SELF-CARE SERIES Learn some simply ways to lift your mood in this short video by Renee, a Mental Health Counselor with the Red Deer PCN. Try...
Renee, one of our PCN Mental Health Counselors describes some tips to manage anxiety and practice the 2-1 breathing technique which is helpful in activating your calming...