From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Elizabeth Nickson When we are issued carbon allowances, owners of said lands will be able to claim tax...
From the Daily Caller News Foundation By NICK POPE Canadian Official Reveals Damage Eco-Activists Have Wreaked On Great White North’s Energy Security Rebecca Schulz — the minister...
From Heartland Daily News The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that livestock production causes 11.1 of global greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, recommending people eat...
From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky The Trudeau Liberals had first seemed to claim that the unpopular carbon tax had cut emissions by 33%, only to...
From the Fraser Institute By Kenneth P. Green Here’s the shocker: Meng shows that for 15 out of the 16 uses, plastic products incur fewer GHG...
From Heartland Daily News By James Taylor Since 2000, the United States has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions more than any other country in the world....
From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Author: Ryan Thorpe Feds trip to COP28 in Dubai cost $3 million The cost for Canada to send hundreds of people to...
From the Daily Caller News Foundation By GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE The purveyors of climate doom will not tolerate the good news of our planet thriving because of...
From Heartland Daily News H. Sterling Burnett It is becoming increasingly clear that the temperature data the U.S. government and many other governments use to predict...
From the Daily Caller News Foundation By JASON ISAAC They still haven’t learned their lesson. For decades, politicians and climate activists have been setting deadlines for...