In December 2023, the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation provided a $150 million loan guarantee to support the 12 Indigenous Communities of Wapiscanis Waseskwan Nipiy Limited Partnership...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Cody Ciona In August, two new CCS projects in the province got the green light to proceed Alberta has strategic advantages...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Gina Pappano The TSX30—the annual ranking of the top-performing stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange—was recently released and, once again, oil...
Haulage bridge at Cando Rail & Terminals’ Sturgeon Terminal in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland, near Edmonton. Photo courtesy Cando Rail & Terminals From the Canadian Energy Centre...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Cody Ciona Q&A with Bryan Detchou, senior director of natural resources, environment and sustainability with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Deborah Jaremko The vast majority of Canadian oil exports to the United States are processed in Midwest states. Above, the Cushing...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Deborah Jaremko and Will Gibson “These facilities need 24/7, super-reliable power, and there’s only one power generation fuel that has any hope...
Welders with JGC-Fluor following completion of the final weld on the first production train at the LNG Canada project, in Kitimat, B.C. in July 2024. Since...
A worker at Trans Mountain’s Burnaby Terminal. Photo courtesy Trans Mountain Corporation From the Canadian Energy Centre By Deborah Jaremko Chinese refiner pays about US$10 more for...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Mario Toneguzzi ‘This is the first time Canada will enter the global marketplace as a global player, so it is an...