Chapter 6 The New Deputy The early morning sun found Sheriff Stockton half heartedly hanging up the “Deputy Wanted” sign in...
‘Foui in the afternoon’ a phrase you’re sure to have heard over the last several years… Wait though, lets dive in and peel back the layers...
Lars Callieou is just what we need in Stand Up Comedy right now! Edmonton Comic Lars Callieou is no stranger to the stage. That is until...
Chapter 4 A Meeting of Minds Later that evening in Barcroft Saloon, four desperate men sat at a corner table. Snake Larson, the leader, clenched...
Chapter 2 Unconscious On The Trail They had accomplished much that week, days earlier the Masked Man and his silent companion had destroyed the notorious...
Just in time for Mother’s Day, Deer Park Church, has re-opened the Drive In! With the lifting of the provincial ban on Drive-Ins in Alberta by...
Chapter 1 We sat there every Saturday from one till four. There were four of us, Tom, Ed, Bill and I, and we had the best...
Local visual, literary and performing artists take to the online stage The year 2020 has taken quite a unique turn in the past couple of months,...
MEN AND WOMEN OF FAITH ARISE! During this pandemic crisis, several facts have become abundantly clear. Firstly, the global agenda driven by the World Health Organization,...
Scene: SCTV new studio, with lights up and music coming up in the background… Lights show Earl Camembert and Floyd Robertson seated behind the news desk....