Rivers, creeks and streams have shaped the land for eons, slowly carving away earth to reveal the terrain we know today. Much of the same can...
Submitted by Red Deer MAG (Museum and Art Gallery) Extending Family Day: MAG to participate in 14-day cultural challenge The Winter Escape Family Day Challenge arrives...
Sometimes in the tsunami of news coming from south of the border, we forget there are other countries fighting wars, having elections, and trying to win...
Update: Ilan appeared with Edmonton radio station 630 CHED’s J’lyn Nye on October 5th, 2020 where they discussed the severe challenges in the live event industry. ...
Central Alberta Film Festival to proceed in Red Deer in partnership with CMHA Screenings and Awards Show to take place in-person at Festival Hall in Red...
(with apologies to Paul Simon) I loved the Michele Rempel commentary on why she has 8 reasons that there will be a Fall election in Canada...
Editor’s Note: “Sweet Alberta” may be the perfect song to pull you out of your funk and re-aquaint you with the province you love. Original Article:...
Someday, we will all lose our parents, grand parents, and friends. If we are parents, our children will ‘lose’ us when we are called Home. The...
It has been said that there are no atheists in fox holes. During any time of armed conflict, that adage is true, whether it was WWI,...
Joachim Fromhold 1947-2020 Joachim Fromhold of the Asini Wachi Nehiyawak has joined the Great Circle in the sky. Joachim, aka Joe, was born January 15, 1947...