From Red Deer RCMP Suspect charged for attempted murder in relation to domestic violence Red Deer RCMP have arrested and charged an individual for attempted murder...
This video is obviously striking a cord across North America. On Monday, Sheriff Wayne Ivey of Brevard County, Florida stood in front of a home which...
May 14, 2020 Airdrie Man Arrested for Firearms Straw Purchasing Calgary… An ALERT investigation has resulted in the arrest of a 22-year-old Airdrie man for firearms straw...
May 13, 2020 RCMP stop dangerous driving on QEII Highway Leduc, Alta. – The Leduc RCMP took a male driver into custody after his BMW X5 was...
From Blackfalds RCMP – Video posted on Facebook by Brian Frank Blackfalds RCMP arrest male in stolen Handi-Van One male is in police custody following his...
Post from Back in the last parliament, the Liberals under the direction of Trudeau used their majority (even though they had the support of the...
WHO — The Central Alberta Crime Prevention Centre (CACPC) WHAT — During the month of May, the Central Alberta Crime Prevention Centre is offering a series of FREE online crime prevention presentations. Alberta’s Crime Prevention Week is May 10...
From Blackfalds RCMP and Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) RCMP investigate shots fired and vehicle pursuit Blackfalds, Alta. – At 8:15 this morning, Blackfalds RCMP...
May 5, 2020 Calgary-AB Act2endracism launches a new text and online reporting tool to gather information on microaggressions, hate speech and racism directed towards Asians due...
May 5, 2020 RCMP Major Crimes Unit investigating homicides in Strathcona County Strathcona County, Alta. – On May 4, 2020, at 6:14 a.m., Strathcona County RCMP...