Someday, we will all lose our parents, grand parents, and friends. If we are parents, our children will ‘lose’ us when we are called Home. The...
It has been said that there are no atheists in fox holes. During any time of armed conflict, that adage is true, whether it was WWI,...
This video should answer a whole ton of questions parents and students will have as the first day of school approaches next week. From Red Deer...
Every day I read, watch, and listen to more information about the COVID-19 pandemic. Then I try to analyze the information. This means fact checking, and...
This post was written by Mark Ogden, a graduate of Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School in Red Deer. Mark lost his son in Saskatchewan due to...
From the Province of Alberta School start date: Minister LaGrange Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on school re-entry: “Earlier this week I...
Families with children heading back to school next month are undoubtedly facing as many questions as they have answers right now. One of the first questions...
From the City of Red Deer City Council passes bylaw for mandatory face coverings in City transit vehicles Masks are required in City transit in Red...
Open Farm Days returns to Alberta this Saturday and Sunday for its 8thannual provincial agriculture event. Hosted by the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies in partnership...
Images from the Province of Alberta Covid-19 cases in Central Alberta Zone are dropping drastically. Just 19 new cases were reported from August 7 to...