From the Province of Alberta Halloween Alberta’s chief medical officer of health is not cancelling Halloween. Outdoor Halloween activities are lower risk and supported by public...
Images from the Province of Alberta Despite concerns over a second wave, Covid-19 cases in Central Alberta Zone remain stubbornly low. In the last week...
Agri-Trade Equipment Expo cancelled for November 11th – 13th, 2020 Agri-Trade Equipment Expo announced today that they made the difficult decision to cancel their 2020 show...
Where others resort to name calling and accusations these two medical specialists deal only in facts and discussion. Here’s a refreshing opportunity to listen to an...
Chris Schaefer is the Director of SafeCom Training Services Inc. in Edmonton. He has sent this letter to Dr. Deana Hinshaw. As an open letter it is...
Dr. Zubin Damania is a California-based MD who is trying his best to explain COVID-19 and how we should really be reacting to it. In this...
We’re always on the hunt for information about COVID-19 which has not been politicized. This is not as easy as it should be! We’ve found a...
Red Deer Public welcomes federal money to address COVID-19 needs Red Deer Public Schools welcomes the provincial announcement on distribution of federal funding that will help...
This post is from a parent in Red Deer. He gave his permission to post this on Todayville and added “we haven’t talked to the teachers...
We are all familiar with the restrictions imposed on Canadian citizens-masks, social (anti) distancing, hand washing, temperature tests, occupancy limits and travel quarantines. While there is...