From LifeSiteNews By Emily Mangiaracina The federal government successfully sued on her behalf, citing a Title VII violation. A former assistant manager who was fired after...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Lee Harding The censorship and institutional capture evident in the pandemic should be an ongoing concern for policy-makers,...
From the Brownstone Institute By Ian Miller NIH’s Latest Desperate Attempt to Incite Fear The response to the Covid-19 pandemic revealed many concerning aspects of how government functions...
Berlin, Germany – 24 March 2020: The sign in front of the Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin. From LifeSiteNews By Andreas Wailzer Germany’s top health agency privately...
From the Brownstone Institute By IAN MILLER By late 2020, the media and public health establishment had two obsessions. One of their obsessions involved forcing the...
From LifeSiteNews By John-Michael Dumais, The Defender In a Senate hearing July 11, ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are ‘toxic’ and should not...
From the Brownstone Institute By Jeffrey A. Tucker We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in...
From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky While the official number of nurses and other workers relieved of their duties for refusing to take the experimental injections...
From LifeSiteNews By Angeline Tan When vaccination against COVID began in 2021, the nation saw a 43% rise in its mortality rate, representing a massive uptick...
From LifeSiteNews By Andreas Wailzer 1,600 medical doctors, scientists, and academics have signed onto the ‘The Hope Accord,’ warning that ‘the widespread rollout of the novel...