From the Province of Alberta As part of its relaunch strategy, the Government of Alberta has launched a voluntary, secure mobile contact tracing application to help...
Information from Central Alberta is now reporting 85 cases of COVID-19. With new cases in Red Deer and Red Deer County. Red Deer now has...
Isolation 101: Bug in a Jar I awoke from a dream. I was walking through sand. The weight of my body pulled me down. Was it...
With all the competing and changing information out there, maybe you’re wondering exactly what to do right now. Here’s an answer from comedian “Adley”
From the Province of Alberta Below is the full release and information on Alberta’s phased relaunch plan Alberta’s safely staged COVID-19 relaunch A phased relaunch will...
Hundreds of thousands of Albertans have been watching the Provincial COVID-19 live updates at 3:30 every afternoon. Dr. Deena Hinshaw has become a household name and...
It’s late Wednesday. You’re over the hump in another week of isolation and all that means to society. You deserve this. Have fun. The Norwegian Radio...
From the Province of Alberta COVID-19 modelling data update Revised data show protective measures and the efforts of Albertans are making a critical difference in our...
Within days of government’s shelter in place orders, there were ridiculous scenes of people fighting over toilet paper along with empty shelves in some other areas...
Scene: SCTV new studio, with lights up and music coming up in the background… Lights show Earl Camembert and Floyd Robertson seated behind the news desk....