Red Deer PCN Women’s Fun Run Helps Feed Children in Need Red Deer, AB. – On Saturday, May 12, 2018 more than 1,200 women of all...
As battle lines draw ever deeper between industry and environmentalists.. there’s a unique and world class example of how both can thrive side by side, right...
Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off 2018 raises 0,000 for Canada Games Celebration Plaza Red Deer, Alberta The Cabinet of the Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off 2018 (SCDO) is...
You may have come across a number of social media posts recently about jobs available in the Canadian Army Reserve. It’s no secret that they...
While the search for a new CEO was widespread, we are excited to have found someone in the local community who is an experienced leader and...
Volunteer Central is hiring- we’re looking for a new Administrative Assistant! As central Alberta’s volunteer center, Volunteer Central is an independent charitable organization that promotes and encourages volunteerism...
As exciting as new buildings and facilities are, the 2019 Canada Games will owe its success to one thing more than anything else… volunteers. It will...
National Volunteer Week is a time to recognize, celebrate and thank Canada’s 13.3 million volunteers! Here at home, there are so many fantastic volunteers who help to...
National Volunteer Week is a time to recognize, celebrate and thank Canada’s 13.3 million volunteers! Here at home, there are so many fantastic volunteers who help to...
For someone who spends his days shining the spotlight on others, it’s an uncomfortable feeling to step onto the “other” side of the camera. But that’s...