From the City of Red Deer: More dates to Kick it to the Curb this summer Kick it to the Curb has returned with more dates...
From Denise Fredeen at Alberta Health Services, Red Deer at time of posting, (Tuesday 7 am) Red Deer is in 13th place in Canada! I just...
Red Deer Hospital Lottery is over 70% sold! Some ticket packages are already SOLD OUT! If you want to get in on prizes valued over $1...
From The City of Red Deer: Rip ‘N Rec Summer Pass returns for youth in Red Deer The City of Red Deer is offering youth unlimited...
The Design Studies, Building Opportunities and Landscape Design classes have been working together to design and construct a 40 foot sea-can house. On Tuesday, June 11 from...
From Westerner Park Communications Dinosaurs Unearthed: Predator Versus PreyJuly 17 – 21, 2019 Roaring into Red Deer this July… Dinosaurs Unearthed : Predator versus Prey will be a...
The Cronquist Tea House will be providing all seniors a free coffee or tea with any purchase during Seniors Week! Our tea house hours are T&W...
The Opiod Crisis is overwhelming communities and families all over the world. Red Deer has not escaped the grip of these easily obtained, highly addictive drugs....
This Saturday & Sunday are the last days to drop off your donations to our Garage Sale! Let us help you with your spring de-clutter by bringing...
Red Deer will be taking part in the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge from May 31st to June 16 in an effort to get people moving a...