From Turning Point Society of Central Alberta Many people are under the impression that opioid use affects only homeless people, or people with previous addiction problems....
From The City of Red Deer: Plant and Mulch Rebate Programs Using native and drought-tolerant plants and permeable mulch in your home landscaping can save you...
From The Central Alberta Humane Society Hey, I’m Bear, last year’s photo contest WINNER! I had so much fun taking pictures for the CAHumane calendar with...
From YMCA of Northern Alberta Red Deer YMCA Of Northern Alberta Red Deer Location Now OpenThe much-anticipated Northside Community Centre in Red Deer is now open....
From Alberta RCMP: It will take about 2 months to form a life-long habit Alberta RCMP sends nightly notifications at 9 p.m. Alberta RCMP has been...
Please join Mayor Tara Veer and members of City Council for an enjoyable and entertaining afternoon featuring musical entertainment and refreshments in beautiful City Hall Park....
Please join us at our World Refugee Day Event on June 22nd from 4pm – 7pm. Speakers, entertainment, community dinner. Children’s activities. Come and welcome some...
From the Government of Alberta: Ensuring fairness for newcomers Bill 11, the Fair Registration Practices Act, will help newcomers get their credentials recognized, so they can quickly...
From City of Red Deer Communications Help shape Red Deer’s housing and homelessness plan As part of the Community Housing & Homelessness Integrated Plan, residents are...
From Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools As of June, this year’s grad service project “Be the Voice” at École Secondaire Notre Dame High School has raised...