Red Deer RCMP and the Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre (CACAC) are encouraging parents and guardians to learn more about the risks children face online. Online...
CENTRE FOR SOCIAL IMPACT GRAND OPENING AND OPEN HOUSE Youth HQ is pleased to announce that the Professional Building located at 4808 50 th Street downtown is now...
Article submitted by YMCA of Northern Alberta Since opening in 2019, the Northside Community Centre YMCA has been an important gathering place for kids and teens...
Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre: CACAC is Building the Future “Brick by Brick” with Latest Fundraiser The Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre (CACAC) is inviting you to...
From the Facebook page of Nicole Maurier With permission from Abby Marie Maurier I am reaching out to you today to let you know that my...
News release from the Red Deer & District Chamber of Commerce Red Deer & District Chamber of Commerce to form Task Force on Homelessness in Red Deer...
Youth HQ is pleased to announce that the Professional Building located at 4808 50th Street downtown will soon become the Centre for Social Impact. Supporters of the building...
By Mark Weber New programs at the Red Deer based Primary Care Network are geared specifically to bolster the well-being of youth and women. “We have our regular...
From the facebook page of the Red Deer Dream Centre addictions treatment facility. Red Deer’s newest #socialenterprise straight from the #rddc, #dcbrew! Amazing coffee all the...
Applications now open for FCSS funding Not-for-profit organizations, school boards, and playschools providing preventative social programs in Central Alberta can now apply for funding from Red...