News Release from Westerner Park Westerner Park Announces New Sponsor for the Centrium Westerner Park is excited to announce they have signed a 5 year agreement...
SPARC RED DEER KINDNESS ROCKS PROJECT SPARC Red Deer, is pleased to announce a new “Paint the Town Positive” activity designed to promote positive messaging by...
News Release from Red Deer Public Schools Reading College has reached a big milestone this year as we celebrate its 10th anniversary. 64 Grade 2 students...
Gordon had an ingrown toenail, which he removed himself. That led to a really bad infection, likely worsened by his diabetes. He had his toe treated...
Article submitted by Chris Sadleir on behalf of The Lung Association, Alberta and NWT July 7, Edmonton’s Chris Sadleir will take the first step in a...
It’s almost as heartwarming as the sun! Late last week officials at The Mustard Seed saw the forecast and realized there were going to be a...
Limited access to G.H. Dawe Community Centre this summer due to construction Due to construction, access to the G.H. Dawe Community Centre will be limited this...
News Release from The City of Edmonton Extreme weather response activated The City of Edmonton has activated its extreme weather response to keep vulnerable people safe...
Over 400 students graduate through The Finish Line Program It’s graduation time for 802 students in Red Deer Public Schools, but the journey to cross the...
City recreation centres to open for public use July 1 City recreation centres will return to regular operations on July 1, in line with the lifting...