BREAK THE CRIME TRIANGLE In order for a crime to happen, there has to be 3 elements in place: a victim or target, someone with desire...
Who knew you could get a custom made guitar? David Gilmore recently set up at both the Calgary and Edmonton Guitar Shows. People love his designs...
With 11th and 12th floor offices offering expansive views from high above the heart of downtown Red Deer, Stantec is the perfect place for community builders...
The 22nd annual event is a major fundraiser for the Foodbank which is about to enter their busiest times of the year. Sky Wings Aviation takes...
It was an exciting evening for The Lending Cupboard on September 15th as we celebrated our 10th anniversary of serving and supporting the people of Central...
I love travelling around the province with a camera close by. Here are a few of my favourite shots from this summer.
Gord Bamford recently won Album of the Year for Canada’s Country Music Association. He likes to give back to our community. $2.73 Million dollars is a...