Hey everyone, I know it is still a decade or two from realization but I am seriously excited about the Riverlands redevelopment! I have to say...
The Central Albeta United Way Campaign is feeling the pinch in 2016. As the campaign winds down it appears total funds raised will be down slightly...
WOW! Check these out! For Sale: at ‘The Lending Cupboard’ Your purchase supports the services we provide!!
Oblation- a word defined as ‘something offered for devotion to a god’, perhaps the beer gods in this case. At Red Deer’s Troubled Monk Brewery, the...
(Melinda Hatfield, Delburne Centralized School pictured with Councillor Philip Massier) The Advanced Learning Scholarship is for $500 each and was presented recently to Melinda Hatfield from...
Canadian Blood Services will be hosting Santa Claus on Friday, Dec. 9 from 10 – 11 a.m. With just over two weeks left until Christmas, Santa...
Should we have a smaller downtown? Recent news of Greyhound leaving the downtown to relocate in Gasoline Alley brought force the questions about how big and...
By Sarah Maetche Red Deer you’ve done it again. The 14th annual Stuff-A-Bus campaign held at Parkland Mall was yet again a success. Over the weekend...
Did you know that The Lending Cupboard sometimes has great pre-owned scooters and electric wheelchairs for sale? We have this 4 wheel scooter for sale. Available...
Michael Higgins visits The Lending Cupboard and helps us tell the story of our growth and Community Needs Assessment. http://alberta.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1008568&binId=1.2002989&playlistPageNum=1