Please join in our excitement and spread the word about Red Deer Minor Baseball Association’s newest baseball program!!! Introducing RDMBA’s Vesta Energy Challenger Baseball Program Challenger...
David has had diabetes and high blood pressure for a number of years and through much of this time, he did not have good control of either...
We’re excited to announce the first annual Courage Cup: Ball Hockey Tournament and After-Party – part of the Red Deer PCN Fun Run. Start the day...
News release from Care for Newcomers Executive Director Frank Bauer I am proud to announce the launch of the long-awaited re-branding of The Central Alberta Refugee Effort...
Five lucky people are already glad they purchased a Red Deer Hospital Lottery ticket – and the winning has just begun! Thank you to Cecile A...
Construction is in full swing at the G.H. Dawe Community Centre. Over the last year, construction crews have been hard at work at the site and...
News Release from the Town of Blackfalds The Town of Blackfalds is proud to announce that the community plaza set to open in the fall of...
I have been plus size for some time. When I was 4 months post-partum I talked to my doctor about how to adopt healthier lifestyle choices....
City of Red Deer to launch pandemic recovery funding program for local community organizations A new grant program aiming to provide post-pandemic relief and recovery support for...
News release from the Red Deer City Soccer Association RDCSA and Westerner Park Rekindle Long Standing Partnership The Red Deer City Soccer Association (RDCSA) and Westerner...