January 26-28, 2018 at Pidherney Centre Join us on January 26 – 28, 2018 for our 7th annual Freeze the House Charity Bonspiel presented by Fas...
Here’s a look at some excellent Christmas events taking place at schools throughout the district. MONDAY, DECEMBER 11 EVENT: CHRISTMAS CONCERT School: GW Smith Elementary?Time: 7:00...
Spectacular fundraising event in Edmonton, at the Dirtbag Café in Rock Jungle Boulder, helping the homeless with the necessities. Chris Hancock, making #yeg a better place...
The world works in mysterious ways. November 28 was #GivingTuesday. On this day, the idea was to post an #UNselfie and hashtag it #centralabgives. Todayville’s Lindsey...
Entering kindergarten is an exciting time and a big step for children and their families. It is a wonderful time when children are encouraged to...
There’s just one week left to make a huge difference for a family with children this Christmas! For 56 years the Red Deer Christmas Bureau has...
Victims of child abuse are 4 times as likely to report self-harm and suicidal ideation. These adverse child experiences lead to many of our social problems...
Leaving a Legacy for Red Deer Apply today for an opportunity to receive $1 Million dollars for your organization. ROTARY CLUB OF RED DEER SEEKS A...
As Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of 41 Signal Regiment in Alberta, I’m witness to many of the Regiment’s events. One of my favourites is the Soldier’s Appreciation...
On the heels of the City of Red Deer‘s bid for the 2018 Canadian Finals Rodeo, it seems fitting to feature one of rodeo’s greatest builders,...