Each year the Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off raises money for an incredibly valuable community project. This year for the first time, the goal is to build...
From January 22, 2018 Planning & Development Services Bylaw 400.09 (Rezone R1 to R1N) Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 400.09 for the rezoning...
January 22, 2018 Two outstanding Albertans have been recognized for their long-standing contributions to 4-H and their communities. Minister Carlier with the 2017 4-H Hall of...
From www.reddeer.ca on January 19, 2018 5:42 PM City Council approved a $364 million operating budget today with a 2.02 per cent tax increase. This 2.02 per...
It’s always a devastating shock to loved ones when a young person takes their own life. Often no one can see it coming. Even the person...
100+ Women Who Care is a group of women who gather four times a year for a one-hour meeting, learn about local charities, and each donate...
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 11, 2018 POLICY AD(20) SUDIVISION & ROAD NAMING Council approved Policy AD(20) Subdivision and Road Naming. The policy has...
Did you know that the film industry in our province generates north of 0 million each year? Many wouldn’t know because it’s a quiet industry. It...
Todayville is proud to partner with the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame to showcase our province’s rich sports history. We hope you enjoy this fascinating story...
Can industry and the environment thrive side by side? There’s an amazing park just west of Red Deer where industry and nature have combined to create...