From the Fraser Institute By Herbert Grubel and John Greenwood The correlation between the quantity of money and inflation shown is not perfect but strong enough to justify the...
From the Fraser Institute By Ross McKitrick An open letter is circulating online among my economist colleagues aiming to promote sound thinking on carbon taxes. It makes...
From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Author: Franco Terrazzano The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to connect with average Canadians about the cost of...
From Canadians for Affordable Energy Written By Dan McTeague On April 1, the carbon tax is going to rise from $65 per tonne to $80 per...
From the Fraser Institute By Grady Munro and Jake Fuss During the 1970s and 1980s, Canada and Sweden both saw a deterioration in government finances. However, hard times in...
From the Fraser Institute By Jake Fuss and Grady Munro and Alex Whalen Empirical research suggests that economic growth is maximized when the size of government falls between 24 and 32...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill and Nathaniel Li If the Smith government reduced Alberta’s top PIT rate to 8 per cent, it would be...
From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky “Continue the peaceful event until goals are achieved, regardless of duration,” the groups mission statement directed. Canadians across the country...
New tool making investing even easier in Alberta Alberta’s government is committed to maintaining its strong business environment that promotes investment and economic growth. The Site...
From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky The money is part of a $30 million-plus project to ‘strengthen democracies in Canada and around the world.’ Prime Minister...