From the Province of Alberta Protecting Alberta’s families and economy Government is providing immediate financial assistance to Albertans affected by the COVID-19 crisis. New funding and...
This message from the owner/operator of “Sweet Capone’s” has started to circulate in Central Alberta. It captures the essence of the struggle facing all small...
This week we shine our business spotlight on Paige Koster Photography, located at # 2 4942 – 46 St. in downtown Red Deer. A local and...
From Red Deer & District Chamber of Commerce We can all play a role in ensuring in protecting the health and safety of our families, colleagues,...
This week we shine our business spotlight on Country Cupboard, a quaint, very cozy gift shop with a rustic, country store charm. Located at 5022 Gaetz...
The Red Deer Home Show is back to welcome in our prairie spring once again this weekend at Westerner Park. Click on the link below...
From Peavey Industries LP Peavey Industries LP acquires the main license of Ace brand in Canada. Peavey Industries LP, Canada’s largest farm and ranch retailer is...
This week’s Business Spotlight is a tasty one! We stopped in to visit with Café Millennium, located on the main floor of the Millennium Centre –...
From The Province of Alberta Creating jobs, accelerating well cleanup A government loan to the Orphan Well Association (OWA) will spur the creation of hundreds of...
For this week’s Business Spotlight, we popped into Sunworks Living, located at #110, 4913 Gaetz Ave in the heart of Downtown Red Deer. Visitors to this...