The Government of Alberta is working with partners to increase pipeline capacity in pursuit of its goal to double crude oil production and increase exports to...
Refocusing acute care leadership for the future Alberta’s government is bringing in the expertise and experience needed to continue refocusing the health care system for the...
Hundreds of infrastructure projects completed or underway throughout 2024 helped build Alberta communities, boost the economy and support thousands of jobs. Throughout the province, Infrastructure worked...
Dr. Shelley Duggan, president, Alberta Medical Association New pay model, better access to family doctors Alberta’s government is implementing a new primary care physician compensation model...
Rewiring Alberta’s electricity market Alberta’s government is making changes to the province’s electricity market rules to restore the balance between affordability, reliability and sustainability. Alberta’s government...
A plan to secure Alberta’s southern border Alberta’s government is taking immediate and decisive action to secure the Alberta-U.S. border from illegal drugs, migrants and firearms....
Alberta is known around the world for many things – some of the most breathtaking and iconic scenery on earth, a world-class agricultural industry that puts...
Fueling innovation through AI data centre attraction Alberta’s government is aiming for Alberta to become North America’s destination of choice for Artificial Intelligence (AI) data centre...
Alberta’s government is ending the photo radar cash cow, eliminating areas where photo radar is used to generate revenue with no traffic safety benefit. Many Albertans...
Alberta’s future runs on rails Alberta’s government is bringing together passenger rail experts from across the world to share best practices and inform the province’s Passenger...