Calling all Saints and Sinners! Local churches now open to the public!

Praise the Lord! Red Deer’s houses of God are open for worship!
With the modification of provincial regulations for church services, many Red Deer and area churches are opening as soon as this Thursday (Lacombe) with at least one church in their third week back with live congregations.
“In this time of crisis, we have to remember that God has not stopped working,” said Pastor Garrett Gillespie of Kentwood Alliance Church. “Churches are people, not buildings and we have not stopped serving those in need, but we are looking forward to opening up and restarting worship services in our church building.”
Like many churches, Gillespie, who also can be heard on Shine FM 90.5, has recorded his weekly sermon and an encouragement video for YouTube.
“It is amazing that we have seen people from as far away as Germany pick up on our service,” said the Pastor. “We are able to connect with many people who would normally never come to our building and many who do attend are able to connect while not in the city.”
He noted that the move to a greater online presence had been discussed but the pandemic motivated many pastors to go online with their sermons.
“Our plan is to start services the weekend of June 21st with an upper limit of 50 people unless that is relaxed to allow a greater number,” he said. “We will take all steps necessary to sanitize and protect everyone.”
Meanwhile, across the city at Deer Park Church, Pastor Ben Elliott has a different strategy in mind for the summer worship season.
“We have had a successful and smooth Drive-In Church service and we do not want to move inside unless we are ready for full attendance,” said Elliott. “With the Drive-In model, we do not have to register people or limit numbers AND you can sing your heart out. It is easier to administer from our end so we can minister to our congregation better.”
Elliott added that the relaxing of regulations will allow a modification of their outdoor service to include lawn chairs and maybe a tail gate service similar to football games.
“Along with the Drive-In service, worshipers can find our service online if they do not want to come out on Sunday or they can even attend the recording on Thursday afternoons,” he said. “We also have a children’s segment during the sermon.”
Other initiatives planned by Deer Park staff include a virtual Vacation Bible School planned for the week of June 20 and a Fathers Day Car Show.
“As Pastor and head of the Red Deer Ministerial Association, I want to encourage my fellow pastors to seek God’s will knowing that each congregation is unique,” said Elliott. “I look forward to what God has in store for the Church in Red Deer, knowing that He makes all things new.”
Meanwhile the Catholic Church is gearing up for celebration of Mass in both Red Deer parishes and in Lacombe, with mass starting this Thursday in Lacombe at 7 P.m.
Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Catholic Churches will be starting Sunday Mass with 4 celebrations this weekend for up to 50 people per Mass.
“Our Church has always been open,” said Father Jan Sobkowic of Sacred Heart Parish. “Throughout this time, we have been offering confession, adoration and helping those in need.”
Weekday masses started the week of June 1st and attendees have been thankful for the opportunity to worship.
“I am thankful we are now able to attend mass in person,” said a local senior. “I have missed the body and Holy Communion.”
When asked about the regulations as they apply to celebration of mass, Fr. Jan said that those wishing to attend (maximum 50) must register in advance or at the door no later than 10 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass and use hand sanitizers before entering the sanctuary and masks during communion.
Mass will be held Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. at both locations with morning masses at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday to Friday.
Across Red Deer at Victory Church in Oriole Park, Pastors Chuck and Joyce Roth have held services since May 24 with attendance of around 35 people per celebration.
“We have had one service going until the change in numbers allowed,” said youth leader Pauline Shattock of Victory Church. “Now we have two services, one at 9 a.m. and another at 11 a.m. The good thing is that we broadcast them live so if you cannot make it in person, you can watch it at home.”
She added that social distancing and sanitary requirements were being adhered to, but attendees had to register to ensure that no more than 50 people attend at any one time.
“A particularly exciting program we are starting is Victory Ninja Warrior Online on June 21st,” said Shattock. “We have a real-life ninja teaching about the armor of God and as kids and families go through the lessons they can earn badges.”
With the program being promoted online, there are registrations worldwide due to a gentleman from Thailand who is sharing around the globe!
“During this time, we made sure we kept in touch with our congregation and when the opportunity arose to have two time slots, we made sure we did,” noted Shattock. “With the opportunity to see friends and church family again, it has been very encouraging and life changing for everyone.”
Out of Red Deer, Clive Baptist Church is planning 3 services for 50 worshippers in addition to their online presence. Prior to their three services, they, like Deer Park held a successful Drive-In style church celebration in the village.

Torrington Evangelical Lutheran Church
South west of Red deer, Pastor Nick Wasylowich of Torrington Evangelical Lutheran Church has planned a street service for June 7 in the hamlet.
“Depending on the weather, we will celebrate the Lord in our streets,” said Wasylowich. “We will have parking attendants helping folks park appropriately and we will allow worshipers to stand beside outside their vehicle and praise their Saviour.”
With the situation and regulations for churches changing so quickly, and the possibility of the moving up of phase two (and increased attendance numbers), larger churches are unusually at a disadvantage as smaller churches and congregations are able to respond quickly to the opening up of regulations and comply more easily.
Throughout the Central Alberta region, churches who have not gone to live services, continue to offer online sermons and resources through their respective websites.
Pastor Gillespie summed up the present situation in a simple statement; “We have to remember that God is still working no matter what happens around us and told to trust him and live in faith not fear.”
Writers Note: If your church wants to tell your Covid 19 story, contact me at [email protected] and we can give God the glory!
Southside Dodge donates new van to Ronald McDonald House

Matt Swainson (Vice President & General Manager, Southside Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram) -left , Lori Rechlo (General Manager, Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta – Red Deer House) – right
Submitted by Sarah Heibein, Stakeholder Relations Manager, Central Alberta Ronald McDonald House
We’ve received a donation of use of a Dodge Caravan from Southside Dodge- they’ve been an incredible support of us over the years. Attached is the photo we took at the dealership when we picked up the keys on Friday.
Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta, Red Deer House is truly grateful to Matt Swainson and his entire team at Southside Dodge for their steadfast support of our work to keep families together during the unimaginable hardship of the need to travel for medical treatment for their sick or injured child. Our House is not a nice to have, but a need to have, and we are honoured to work with such an amazing community partner in Southside. The use of the 2021 Dodge Caravan will help us to keep our operating costs down so that we can focus on our work to keep families close.
We have operated in the city for over 8 years, ensuring there is a safe and comfortable place for families to rest while they focus on the recovery of their child(ren).
We are grateful to everyone in Red Deer who supports us! 😊
Smiles Thru Lindsey reaching out with a new video message and urging Albertans to look out for each other at this challenging time

The holiday season is well behind us, we’re heading into the coldest part of the winter, and although the days are starting to grow longer there’s still a definite lack of daylight in our lives. The winter blues are a real thing and this year we have COVID, a whole new serious problem to add to our mental health issues.
COVID is also the reason the Smiles Thru Lindsey team has not been able do public events for many months. Unable to reach out physically through school visits and fund raisers, Smiles Thru Lindsey is reminding Central Albertans to check in on each other. Also, please follow the Smiles Thru Lindsey Facebook page . They’ll lead you to the resources you or your loved ones need right away.
Meet Lindsey and the Smiles Thru Lindsey team in this powerful video. …And remember to check in on the people in your life.
If you’d like to help Smiles Thru Lindsey with a donation please click here.
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