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Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men


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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

The University of British Columbia says the new job is ‘restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.’

One of Canada’s most well-known universities has posted a job opening for a new research chair position but has essentially barred non-homosexual white men from applying for the job. 

A recent job posting for the position of “Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Oral Cancer Research” at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver campus has explicitly mentioned that those who don’t meet its so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements need not apply.  

The UBC job posting was published on May 21, and notes that the seven-year contract for the chair role has with it certain “eligibility requirements,” such as candidates having to demonstrate a track record of “supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion.”  

According to UBC, the selection for the role will be “restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.” 

This rules out straight white men from applying for the role. UBC uses its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan as well as the B.C. Human Rights Code as validation for its job requirements.  

The UBC claims that its current faculty is underrepresented by those who “self-identify” as having a disability, thus it notes that a person from this category is “preferential.” 

To ensure that straight white men do not apply for the job, the UBC is also mandating that anyone who applies for the role must first conduct what it calls an “equity survey.” 

“Candidates from these groups must self-identify as belonging to one or more of the designated equity groups to be considered for the position,” notes UBC. 

According to the UBC, “Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence.” 

Musk: Is the even legal?  

As news of the UBC job posting spread on social media, X owner Elon Musk chimed in to comment on the matter, writing on June 3, “Is this legal in Canada?” in reply to a sarcastic post from Quebec-based academic Gad Saad mocking the job posting.  

“Yes! Oral cancer research has long been dominated by white heterosexual males. Imagine the progress that can be made if the relevant research were conducted by Trans People of Color. Thank you @UBC for your epistemological courage in fighting against the scourge of White Heterosexual Science,” sarcastically wrote Saad on June 3 on X.  

In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the promotion of so-called DEI requirements on employers, because of a push for it from the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 

Indeed, LifeSiteNews recently reported on how Trudeau’s Liberal government has spent over $30 million DEI affiliated contracts amongst many federal ministries since January 2019.   

When it comes to DEI, Musk has been a formidable opponent to the discriminatory hiring practices. In Canada, the only main party speaking out against it is the People’s Party of Canada, under its leader Maxime Bernier. He has been outspoken against radical gender ideology repeatedly over the last few years as well as the COVID jabs and mandates. 

In April, he announced a new party policy officially denouncing the so-called DEI agenda, saying it is nothing more than a “fundamentally racist, sexist, and discriminatory ideology” that “divides Canadians.” 

Bernier told LifeSiteNews recently that the only way to stop the “radical policies” of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda – which he calls a combination of “official discrimination against white heterosexual males” and the “promotion of weird mental illnesses” – is for people to fight back against those seeking to undermine “traditional norms and values.” 

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Klaus Schwab pushes ‘fourth industrial revolution’ at WEF’s ‘Summer Davos’ opening

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Chinese Premier Li Qiang (R) shakes hands with founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab

From LifeSiteNews

By Tim Hinchliffe

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab kicks off the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, aka “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, saying that economic growth and a more peaceful future will come from embracing innovation and forcing collaboration.

Speaking at the opening plenary alongside the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, the prime minister of Vietnam, Pham Minh Chinh, and People’s Republic of China Premier Li Qiang, Schwab regurgitated parts of his speech from last year’s meeting, praising China for its economic policies while congratulating everyone participating in the event for representing “the most outstanding talents from business, government, academia, and civil society.”

In his very brief opening statement, the unelected globalist founder of the WEF said that the participants must “force collaboration” in order to drive economic growth and create a more resilient future.

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” said Schwab.

“At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path,” he added.

Schwab also mentioned that technologies coming out of the so-called fourth industrial revolution would make the world a better place.

“We are witnessing rapid technological advances with many opportunities, and with artificial intelligence, rapidly transforming our production and our lives,” he said, adding, “Breakthroughs from the fourth industrial revolution provide new opportunities for global prosperity and growth.”

The WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions runs from June 25-27 under the theme “Next Frontiers for Growth.”

At the end of the plenary and after the president, the premier, and the prime minister had all praised their countries’ achievements and ambitions, Schwab returned to the topic of the fourth industrial revolution while revisiting this year’s theme, saying that were “limits to growth.”

“Limits to growth” is a nod to the Club of Rome book of the same name published in 1972, and Schwab says that these limits can be overcome by using technologies of the fourth industrial revolution wisely, by taking care of nature, by seeing the green economy as a “great opportunity for humankind,” by exploiting the capabilities of the attendees, and by formulating collaborations between governments and businesses.

The WEF strives to be the “leading global institution for public-private collaboration,” which is the fusion of corporation and state, or corporatism.

At the opening of last year’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Schwab praised Premier Li for “opening-up China’s capital market, attracting foreign investment, and innovation, and creating new urban areas to address land scarcity.”

He also thanked China for its “over 40 years of friendly and extensive partnership” with the WEF.

During another session last year, Cornell University professor Eswar Prasad said that “we are at the cusp of physical currency essentially disappearing,” and that programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could take us to either a better or much darker place where governments could program CBDCs with expiry dates and to restrict undesirable purchases.


Last month the WEF announced that Schwab will be transitioning from his role as the executive chairman of the forum to become chairman of the board of trustees, which consists of some of the most powerful people on the planet.

Starting next year, the forum’s executive responsibilities will be run by a president and managing board.

The current WEF president is former Norwegian MP Børge Brende. He is also the chair of the managing board.

If Brende keeps his position as president, then he may be the new face and voice of the organization, which has been pivoting “from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private collaboration” for almost a decade.

However, executive decisions will not be placed on a single individual but will include a managing board as well.

Reprinted with permission from The Sociable.

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School boards need leaders who focus on education not politics

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From the Fraser Institute

By Michael Zwaagstra

Canada’s largest school board is looking for a new leader. Colleen Russell-Rawlins, director of education of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), will retire this fall.

To say her tenure has been controversial would be an understatement. During her three years in the top job, TDSB doubled down on its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies, with tragic consequences. Former TDSB principal Richard Bilkszto took his own life last year after facing relentless harassment from other administrators for challenging DEI orthodoxy during a professional development session.

The harms caused by DEI extend even further. Two years ago, TDSB voted to abolish its merit-based admissions policy at specialized arts and sports schools in the name of “equity.” Parents of students in these schools were not happy about this erosion of standards. After spending years building up these specialized schools, TDSB is now tearing them down.

Add to this the ongoing harassment of Jewish students in TDSB schools and the failure of administrators to crack down on employees who disseminate blatantly anti-Israel propaganda. Expect things to get even worse if trustees replace Russell-Rawlins with someone with a similar mindset and approach.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what will happen if TDSB follows the guidelines provided by the Ontario Public Supervisory Officers’ Association (OPSOA), the organization representing superintendents and directors of education in Ontario.

To be eligible for the position, prospective directors of education must complete the OPSOA’s Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program. However, this program looks like a woke propogandist’s dream. According to the OPSOA’s website, the qualification program focuses on “anti-oppression, anti-racism, [and] anti—colonialism.” No wonder education directors appear obsessed with these topics.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce has stated that he wants school boards to focus more on academics. He’s even gone so far as to publicly rebuke school boards that get mired in debates over secondary issues such as masks or transgender policy. Lecce is right to be concerned. From 2003 to 2022, Ontario’s PISA math test scores declined from 530 to 495. That’s the equivalent of nearly two years of learning loss. Clearly, something needs to change.

However, things will only change for the better when school boards start hiring education directors who reject DEI ideology and who put academics first. This means choosing men and women who haven’t climbed the career ladder by pushing DEI initiatives.

At a minimum, the province must drop the requirement for education directors to hold supervisory officer’s qualifications. Making the completion of a program replete with DEI buzzwords such as “anti-oppression” and “anti-colonial” mandatory is a surefire way to ensure that education directors will focus on non-academic issues.

Fortunately, the Ford government has started making at least some changes. Back in 2020, Ontario removed the requirement for directors of education to be former teachers. Considering the uselessness of most Bachelor of Education courses, it’s legitimate to ask why anyone would need an education degree to run a school board.

Obviously, none of this means that qualifications don’t matter. The Ford government’s recent announcement that all future teachers must pass a math proficiency test shows that basic competency matters. People working for school boards, particularly those in the top job, must also be familiar with the education system and know how to lead effectively.

It’s important to remember why we have schools in the first place. The purpose of education is to help students master the academic basics, acquire important life skills, and become responsible Canadian citizens—not to indoctrinate students into woke ideology.

Schools can only function if they have the trust of the communities they serve. If parents feel that teachers are ignoring their concerns or are disrespecting their beliefs, they will pull their kids out of the government school system and pursue other educational options. While parents should always have this right, it’s unfortunate when they are forced into it by administrators who are hostile to their values.

TDSB trustees have a real opportunity to make a change for the better by hiring an education director with a track record of putting academics first. Otherwise, TDSB will continue its downward spiral.

Real change starts at the top. Hopefully, TDSB trustees realize the importance of the decision they are about to make and hire the right person for the job.

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