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Taxpayers Federation calls on Smith to join carbon tax court fight


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From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Author: Kris Sims

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to join New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and launch a legal challenge against the federal carbon tax.

“Alberta successfully led the fight against the ‘No More Pipelines’ law at the Supreme Court, and Smith should get our province to do the same against the carbon tax,” said Kris Sims, CTF Alberta Director. “Albertans are being punished every time we pay our heating bills and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is shredding constitutional accountability with his unequal application of the carbon tax.”

Higgs announced that if he is re-elected, New Brunswick would launch a renewed legal challenge against the federal carbon tax.

The federal carbon tax “carve-outs violate the Supreme Court’s ruling, and the tax makes gas, groceries, and essential services more expensive,” according to the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick.

Last year, the federal government announced it is removing the carbon tax from furnace oil for three years, but did not exempt other forms of home heating energy.

“Across Canada, fuel oil makes up just three per cent of residential heating energy,” according to the government of Nova Scotia. “Natural gas was the most commonly used energy source for residential heating.”

The average Alberta home uses about  2,930 cubic metres of natural gas per year, according to Statistics Canada. That means removing the current federal carbon tax would save the average home about $439 this year.

“When Trudeau announced his furnace oil carve out, he admitted the carbon tax makes life more expensive and he left 97 per cent of Canadian families out in the cold,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “All premiers should do everything in their power to fight the carbon tax.”

A 2023 Leger poll found 70 per cent of Canadians support removing the carbon tax from all home heating fuels.

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Number of federal executives up 42% under Trudeau

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From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

By Ryan Thorpe 

“The government has ballooned the bureaucracy across the board, but even more concerning is that this government is swelling the ranks of its most expensive bureaucrats”

Both the number and cost of federal executives has exploded under the watch of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, according to government data and access-to-information records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

As of 2024, there are 9,155 federal bureaucrats classified as executives by the Trudeau government, an increase of 42 per cent since 2016, when the total sat at 6,414.

“The government has ballooned the bureaucracy across the board, but even more concerning is that this government is swelling the ranks of its most expensive bureaucrats,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “Trudeau should go after the fat cats first and that means cutting back the size and cost of the federal c-suite.”

Growth has been seen among every class of executives within the federal government, with salaries  ranging from $134,827 to $255,607.

In 2022, the last year for which records are available, federal executives raked in $1.95 billion in total compensation. That represented a 41 per cent increase over 2015.

Inflation increased by 19.4 per cent between 2015 and 2022, according to Statistics Canada data.

About 90 per cent of federal executives get a bonus each year, according to records obtained by the CTF. The feds handed out $202 million in bonuses in 2022. The average bonus among executives was $18,252.

“Taxpayers are paying for more executives taking bigger salaries and bigger bonuses, but the government still can’t deliver good results,” Terrazzano said. “Can anyone in government explain why we’re paying so much for so little?”

The ballooning of the federal c-suite comes at a time when growth in the government’s bureaucracy has also been exploding.

The total size of the federal bureaucracy has grown by 42 per cent since Trudeau came to power, with more than 108,000 new bureaucrats added to the payroll.

Spending on federal bureaucrats hit a record high $67.4 billion last year, representing a 68 per cent increase in costs since 2016.

Meanwhile, spending on consultants has also reached a record high, with expenditures for 2023-24 sitting at $21.6 billion.

Despite the increased size of the bureaucracy and the federal c-suite, as well as record spending on outside consultants, departments continue to struggle to meet half of their performance targets.

In 2022-23, federal departments hit just 50 per cent of their performance targets, according to data  from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Each year from 2018 through 2021, federal departments hit less than half of their performance targets.

“Less than 50 per cent of [performance] targets are consistently met within the same year,” according to a 2023 report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer, the government’s independent budget watchdog.

“Taxpayers are paying through the nose because everywhere you look the size and cost of government is ballooning,” Terrazzano said. “If any politician is serious about fixing the budget and cutting taxes, they will have to shrink Ottawa’s bloated bureaucracy.”

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Irate parents demand answers from Saskatchewan school allowing males to use girls’ locker rooms

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Girls have stopped changing for gym class at Balgonie Elementary in rural Saskatchewan while the school defends its actions, telling one student who felt uncomfortable that ‘she can change in a different room by herself.’

Canadian parents are outraged after learning their children’s school allowed two gender-confused biological males claiming to be female full access to the Grade 7 girls’ changing room.

In September, a female Grade 7 student from Balgonie Elementary School in rural Saskatchewan told her parents she was not comfortable with having to share changing rooms used for gym class with biological males.

Since the start of the school year, two gender-confused students have been allowed access to the girls’ locker room, as per the Western Standard, which broke the story.

As noted in the report, one parent, who remains anonymous, said that after her daughter raised the issue of the biological males using the girls’ locker room, saying she “felt uncomfortable,” she was told “she can change in a different room by herself.”

The parents were not pleased with the response and contacted the school principal, the Prairie Valley School Division (PVSD) superintendent, and the school board as well as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe.

The parent noted that after two weeks of “auto-responding with legal policies and procedures,” he finally met with the superintendent as well as a board member.

He said the meeting went “exactly as I thought,” adding that all that was said was that they “have done what they need to do according to the human rights and charter of rights and freedoms.”

Not pleased with the answer, the parent then emailed school officials on September 24, noting, “So, in short, you’re saying if there’s biological males that identify as females in the school, then our biological females have no more rights? Cause that’s what it seems like.”

He then said due to the biological males using the girls’ change room, many students have simply stopped changing for gym class and called the whole ordeal “not acceptable.”

He said in reply, “Correct me if I’m wrong,” adding, “since when is it appropriate to expose my 12-year-old daughter along with all the other biological females in that class to penis?”

The parent then said that school officials were acting in a cowardly manner to do the right thing because they were “pretending this is ok just to save your jobs.”

He said that gender-confused students should be the ones using a gender-neutral washroom.

The parent did get a reply from PVSD learning superintendent Lorrie Anne Harkness. However, it was a defense of the school’s actions.

Saskatchewan Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill, who like the rest of his party is up for re-election, has promised that a re-elected Saskatchewan Party would “ensure that all public, separate, francophone, and independent schools in the province have policies in place to ensure that change rooms are safe and private places.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews, LGBT indoctrination targeting kids has been on the rise in Canada and worldwide, which has led to Canadians fighting back in protest.

Earlier this week, LifeSiteNews reported that a leading female gender ideology activist, who also worked as a school counselor, has been charged with grievous sexual offenses involving a minor.

Some provinces, such as Alberta,New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan, have in recent months proposed legislation that would strengthen parental rights.

The Alberta government will soon be introducing legislation aimed at strengthening parental rights as well as limiting minors being able to undergo “gender reassignment” surgery.

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