By Denise Denning There is a growing schism in the Canadian addiction treatment community regarding safer supply. [This article was originally published by the MacDonald Laurier Institute and...
By Liam Hunt Canada’s safer supply programs are “selling people down the river,” says a leading medical expert in British Columbia. Dr. Julian Somers, director of...
By Alexandra Keeler An Ottawa mother, who lost her daughter to addiction, is frustrated by Recovery Care’s failure to help her opioid-addicted son Masha Krupp has...
News release from Red Deer South MLA Jason Stephan Truth is wonderful. We can trust in truth. Truth leads to better choices and more happiness. Yet,...
A man considers using a prescription opioid. Credit: Dreamstime By Liam Hunt Addiction physician Dr. Sharon Koivu has seen the effects of safer supply programs in...
First responders in Ottawa dealing with a crisis ...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Adam Zivo While safer supply sounds nice in theory, addiction experts have found that drug users are reselling (“diverting”) a...