By Denise Denning There is a growing schism in the Canadian addiction treatment community regarding safer supply. [This article was originally published by the MacDonald Laurier Institute and...
By Alexandra Keeler An Ottawa mother, who lost her daughter to addiction, is frustrated by Recovery Care’s failure to help her opioid-addicted son Masha Krupp has...
By Alexandra Keeler A supermajority of First Nations respondents disagree that criminalizing drug use is racist, challenging public health advocates’ assumptions A new report shows a majority of...
News release from Red Deer South MLA Jason Stephan Truth is wonderful. We can trust in truth. Truth leads to better choices and more happiness. Yet,...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Susan Martinuk Those who advocate for them always claim the moral high ground because of ‘evidence-based studies.’ But...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Susan Martinuk B.C. recently decriminalized the possession of small amounts of illicit drugs. The resulting explosion of addicts...
Michael Schellenberger is a leading environmentalist and progressive activist who has become disillusioned with the movements he used to help lead. His passion for the environment and...