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Province introduces civilian oversight of RCMP in Alberta: Committees to oversee RCMP service delivery


6 minute read

Alberta’s government is making sure communities have a say in how they are policed by the RCMP.

Ensuring Albertans are kept safe is a priority for Alberta’s government, which is why it introduced and passed the Police Amendment Act, 2022 in the fall session of 2022. This important piece of legislation is strengthening RCMP ties to the communities they serve and improving police accountability by mandating civilian governance bodies for municipalities policed by the RCMP. An order in council for the legislation was signed today, with the new regulations coming into force March 1, 2025.

The creation of the municipal and regional policing committees and the Provincial Police Advisory Board will ensure large and small municipalities have a role in setting province-wide policing priorities and performance goals for the RCMP to ensure service delivery reflects and addresses local needs.

The changes coming into force through the amendments and new regulations represent a collaborative effort on the part of municipalities, the RCMP and Alberta’s government to improve public safety in communities throughout the province.

“By creating new civilian governance bodies, we’re responding to Albertans’ long-standing desire for more say in how the RCMP police their communities while advancing a paradigm shift that sees local police across the province as an extension and a reflection of the communities they serve. Unique communities have unique public safety priorities and the creation of civilian governance bodies will address this issue. Creating mandatory civilian governance bodies also ensures accountability, as officers will be held responsible for their actions and behaviour.”

Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services

“Amendments to the Police Act support your Alberta RCMP’s ongoing efforts to ensure that communities have a strong voice in their policing priorities. In particular, it will assist our work on local resourcing, responding to calls for mental health and addictions issues, targeting prolific offenders, and dealing with hate crimes. The Alberta RCMP welcomes any changes or enhancements to oversight and governance that help us meet the needs of the communities we serve.”

Deputy Commissioner Rob Hill, commanding officer, Alberta RCMP

“Our association’s 265-member communities welcome the provincial government’s effort to build stronger ties between the RCMP and the communities they serve. We hope these policing committees and the Provincial Police Advisory Board lead to improved public safety in communities throughout Alberta.”

Tyler Gandam, president, Alberta Municipalities

Municipal and regional policing committees

Communities with municipal policing contracts and populations of more than 15,000 will be required to appoint municipal policing committees to oversee RCMP service delivery for their area. These committees will work with elected municipal officials to set policing priorities for the community, report on initiatives to support those goals, and create safety plans with their local RCMP detachments, authorities and agencies.

RCMP-policed communities with populations between 5,000 and 15,000 will be represented by regional policing committees to which they will be required to recruit and appoint members. These civilian committees will represent the interests and concerns of the public to the RCMP leadership in their district, work with local officials to identify and address public safety concerns for their region, and report on the implementation of programs and services to address them.

The Provincial Police Advisory Board

Small and rural communities policed by the RCMP with populations under 5,000 will be represented by a new advisory board. The Provincial Police Advisory Board will represent the interests and concerns of Albertans in these communities, support integrated safety planning and liaise with Alberta’s government, the RCMP and municipalities to align policing priorities and resources to help address local concerns and challenges. The 15-person board will include dedicated seats for representatives from Alberta Municipalities, Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and First Nations and Métis communities, as well as community representation for each of the province’s RCMP districts.

Quick facts

  • The Police Amendment Act, 2022 received royal assent on Dec. 15, 2022, with the aim of improving police accountability, strengthening ties with communities and enhancing public confidence by reforming existing policing practices.
    • The Police Amendment Act, 2022 made a number of amendments to the Police Act, including the creation of civilian governance bodies in jurisdictions policed by the RCMP.
  • The Public Safety Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 received royal assent on May 16, and included amendments that allow for the regulation of municipal police committee memberships.
  • Both the Police Amendment Act, 2022 amendments and the new regulations created to support these municipal and regional civilian governance bodies will come into force on March 1, 2025.

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Alberta government should reform hospital funding to help shorten wait times

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From the Fraser Institute

By Mackenzie Moir and Alicia Kardos

Other high-performing countries with universal health care (Australia, Germany, Switzerland) use “activity-based funding.” Under this model, hospitals receive funding based on the amount of care they provide.

Earlier this year, the Alberta Medical Association sounded the alarm on “rolling surgical outages,” patients diverted to other treatment sites, and the potential capping of services at major provincial hospitals. Unfortunately, the delays these problems create aren’t new to Albertans, as patients continue to face lengthy wait times.

According to the latest data, Albertan patients faced a median wait time of 33.5 weeks in 2022 for non-emergency medical treatment, a delay that was nearly six weeks longer than the national average, and three times longer than what patients in the province experienced in 1993 (when national estimates were first published).

When broken down, the wait in Alberta includes the first 16.4 weeks it takes for a patient to see a specialist after referral from their family doctor—then a second wait of 17.2 weeks to receive treatment after seeing that specialist. And these figures don’t account for the wait to see a GP in the first place, which is a significant issue in a rapidly growing province where remain without a family doctor.

Of course, we hear the predicable calls for more money. But in reality, spending more won’t get Albertans out of this problem. In a recent comparison of high-income countries with universal coverage, Canada (in 2021) was already one of the highest spenders on health care (as a share of their economy) while having some of the fewest doctors and hospital beds (after accounting for differences in population age among countries).

And when compared to nine other high-income countries in 2020, Canadians were found to have the longest waits for medical care. Specifically, Canadians were the least likely to report waiting under four months for non-emergency surgery (at 62 per cent) compared to higher-performing countries such as Australia (72 per cent), Switzerland (94 per cent) and Germany (99 per cent).

So what’s the solution?

In a word, reform. For example, Alberta could change the way it funds hospitals. Canada’s predominant approach is to provide hospitals a set amount of money each year, regardless of the level of services provided. This means that the money hospitals receive isn’t tied to the actual number of services they provide. This discourages hospitals from providing more care because each patient represents a drain on their budget rather than an opportunity.

In contrast, many other high-performing countries with universal health care (Australia, Germany, Switzerland) use “activity-based funding.” Under this model, hospitals receive funding based on the amount of care they provide. This creates a powerful incentive for hospitals to treat more patients, because each patient represents an opportunity for the hospital to earn more money.

Quebec decided in last year to fund all of its surgical procedures using this model, and now plans to expand the model to all hospital care by 2027/28. The Smith government has also taken some steps that lay the foundation for these types of reforms. This is good news for Albertans, if reform is actually on the way.

Across Canada, despite the availability of solutions, the status quo of long waits persists. Breaking from the past can be hard, but there may be hope on the horizon for patients in Alberta’s beleaguered and poorly performing health-care system.

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Alberta Sports Hall of Fame receives Alberta Heritage Award for Outstanding Achievement

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From the Province of Alberta and the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame

Celebrating Albertans who protect our history

Sixteen Albertans and organizations are being recognized for helping preserve and celebrate Alberta’s history at the 2024 Heritage Awards.

The Heritage Awards, which are presented every two years, recognize the people, organizations and communities that are actively engaged in heritage promotion, protection and preservation. Awards are bestowed in three categories: Heritage Awareness, Heritage Conservation and Outstanding Achievement. This year’s awards presentation was held on Sept. 26 in Edmonton at the Queen Elizabeth II Building.

From Tracey Kinsella, Executive Director of the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame

We are excited to announce that we were honoured with the prestigious Outstanding Achievement Heritage Award last night, presented by the Government of Alberta. It was a truly memorable evening filled with celebration, and we are both humbled and proud to be recognized for our contributions.

This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and we are grateful to be acknowledged among such incredible individuals and organizations.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey—we look forward to sharing this achievement with our community.

From the Province of Alberta

The 2024 Heritage Award recipients gathered on Sept. 26 to receive their awards.|  The 2024 Heritage Award recipients gathered on Sept. 26 to receive their awards.

“Across the province, dedicated Albertans are keeping the stories of the people, places and events in our history alive. We are glad to have the opportunity to honor the Albertans who work passionately, often as volunteers, on conservation and awareness of Alberta’s heritage. Their commitment will help ensure that our stories continue to be told and remembered for many years to come.”

Tanya Fir, Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women

Alberta’s government salutes the winners and nominees of these Heritage Awards, and thanks them for their continued dedication to preserving, protecting and promoting Alberta’s unique heritage and culture.

The 2024 recipients are:

Heritage Awareness

  • Beaver Hills Biosphere Region Association for the Beaver Hills Biosphere Video Project
  • Clearwater County for the Nordegg Discovery Center Renewal Project
  • YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Center for The Rogues’ Gallery
  • Kyle Schole for the North Saskatchewan River (kisiskâciwani-sîpiy) Canadian Heritage River Designation Project
  • Chief Sydney Lee Halcrow & Chief Roderick Willier for Oti Nekan – Treaty No. 8 125th Anniversary Celebration
  • Sheri Peyerl for the book Alberta’s Cornerstone: Archaeological Adventures in Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park

Heritage Conservation

  • Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society for the Buttermaker’s House Restoration Project
  • Sexsmith & District Museum Society for the Alberta Wheat Pool Grain Elevator Preservation Project
  • Lacombe Heritage Resources Committee for the Lacombe Heritage Survey and Designation Program
  • Dr. Peter Dawson for the Digitally Preserving Alberta’s Diverse Cultural Heritage Project

Outstanding Achievement

  • Crowsnest Historical Society, Coleman
  • Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, Red Deer
  • Dr. France Levasseur-Ouimet, Edmonton
  • Karen Copley, Airdrie
  • Donna Nelson, Innisfail

The Heritage Awards program reflects Alberta’s commitment to heritage preservation throughout Alberta. A total of 97 awards have been presented to recipients from across the province since the program rebooted in 2005.

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