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Premier Smith hammers Liberal government for ‘slightly’ reducing immigration


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As so often happens these days the headlines from major news outlets all look like they were written by the same people.  All the major news outlets repeated the government talking point that immigration would be reduced significantly.  In his news release, Immigration Minister Marc Miller spoke of “controlled targets” and even “marginal” declines in Canada’s population. Minister Miller made it sound like the feds are pulling way back on the number of immigrants being allowed into the country.

A few hours later, Premier Danielle Smith explained how Alberta sees things.  According to Premier Smith, immigrants will still be pouring into the country at near record levels.  Smith says this new immigration plan will offer almost no relief whatsoever to provinces buckling under the pressure of so many newcomers.

Premier Smith is right.  When you take out all the adjectives and the self back-patting, the 2025 – 2027 Immigration Levels Plan shows the number of new immigrants will still hover near record levels.

From the 2025–2027 Immigration Levels Plan.

The levels plan includes controlled targets for temporary residents, specifically international students and foreign workers, as well as for permanent residents.

We are:

  • reducing from 500,000 permanent residents to 395,000 in 2025
  • reducing from 500,000 permanent residents to 380,000 in 2026
  • setting a target of 365,000 permanent residents in 2027

Quick facts:

  • Canada’s population has grown in recent years, reaching 41 million in April 2024. Immigration accounted for almost 98% of this growth in 2023, 60% of which can be attributed to temporary residents.
  • Francophone immigration will represent
    • 8.5% in 2025
    • 9.5% in 2026
    • 10% in 2027

The Levels Plan also supports efforts to reduce temporary resident volumes to 5% of Canada’s population by the end of 2026.  Canada’s temporary population will decrease over the next few years as significantly more temporary residents will transition to being permanent residents or leave Canada compared to new ones arriving. Specifically, compared to each previous year, we will see Canada’s temporary population decline by

  • 445,901 in 2025
  • 445,662 in 2026
  • a modest increase of 17,439 in 2027

It’s interesting how the feds explain the situation with “temporary residents”.  This group includes foreign students and temporary workers.  Most Canadians would probably be shocked to know just how many people are “temporarily” here.

Minister Miller says this population will decline by 445,901 people in 2025.  What he leaves out is that this still allows for just over 2,000,000 foreign students and temporary workers! (5% of 41,000,000 Canadians is 2,050,000)

It’s also very interesting that in the explanation for how the feds plan to cut the number of temporary residents down from about 2.6 million to just over 2 million, is by recognizing that many of the temporary residents will transition to being permanent residents.  It’s not clear how that will reduce the number of people in the country.  I guess we’ll have to see how that all turns out.

Meanwhile Alberta Premier Danelle Smith and Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen issued this joint statement on today’s federal government immigration announcement:

“Alberta has a long history of welcoming newcomers, and we plan to maintain that reputation.

“However, the federal government’s reckless and irresponsible open-border immigration policies, permitting almost 2 million newcomers to enter Canada last year alone, have led to unsustainable financial pressures on all provinces.

“With the cost of food, energy, housing and everything else in this country increasing, and with tens of thousands of new people moving to Alberta monthly, our hospitals and schools are at or above capacity.

“As a province, we need a reprieve from this explosive population growth so we can catch up with these pressures. So do all provinces.

“The federal government’s plan to cut a mere 105,000 new permanent residents will not solve these pressures when they are bringing in almost 2 million additional people annually.

“We call on the government to cut the number of newcomers to Canada from almost 2 million to well under 500,000 annually until further notice.

“Ottawa’s priority should be on reducing the number of temporary foreign workers, international students and asylum seekers—not on reducing provincially selected economic migrants.”

After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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Alberta Bill of Rights amendments will allow individuals like Jordan Peterson to speak freely

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Alberta’s government considers legislative changes to safeguard freedom of expression for regulated professionals.

In response to increasing concerns that regulated professional bodies may be going too far in limiting individual freedom of expression and imposing compulsory training beyond the scope of their professional practice, Alberta’s government is launching an engagement this fall that will include hearing directly from affected members.

As part of the province’s commitment to protecting the civil liberties of all Albertans, the government is considering legislative changes to clarify that professional regulatory bodies are limited to regulating members’ professional competence and behaviour. The engagement will ensure that professional regulatory bodies uphold the rights and freedoms of their members, and that Albertans can share their experiences and opinions.

“Freedom of expression is a bedrock in a democratic society. We’re committed to standing up for Albertans’ freedom and that includes ensuring Albertans are not coerced into self-censorship because of threats from their professional regulated bodies. Organizations that regulate professionals must strike a balance that upholds competence and ethics without restricting members’ rights and freedoms and we are working to ensure that balance is met.”

Danielle Smith, Premier

“We have heard from professionals receiving complaints from regulators, and in some cases facing actual disciplinary action for expressing personal beliefs and opinions unrelated to their professional competencies. This situation could result in self-censorship and infringe on their ability to speak and express opinions freely. We are initiating this review to ensure members’ rights and freedoms are protected.”

Mickey Amery, Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Eleven ministries with regulated professions in scope for this review will collect information and engage with professional regulatory bodies and other relevant groups as needed to inform policy decision-making.

The review will be informed by input from professional regulatory bodies, regulated professionals and other organizations, associations or experts. These groups will be invited to share their views on whether regulatory oversight goes beyond professional competence and ethics in areas such as freedom of expression and opinion, training not related to professional competence, vexatious and bad faith complaints, third-party complaints and protection for those holding other roles in addition to their role as a regulated professional.

Quick facts

  • Professional regulatory bodies protect the public interest by setting standards of competence and conduct for their members and disciplining those who fail to meet them.
  • The right to freedom of expression is protected under Section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • The review will include 118 regulated professional bodies under the mandates of 11 ministries.
    • These 118 professions and trades are governed by 67 different regulatory bodies. This number includes some provincial government ministries that directly regulate professions.
  • Each ministry did an inventory of the regulated professions under their mandates and determined which should be included in the review. Professions may be excluded from the review if:
    • They are not self-regulating.
    • Regulation for the profession is not yet in force.
    • There is no regulatory body or means to handle public complaints or disciplinary action against any member.
    • There is little or no regulatory role beyond certification.

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Province providing 250 modular homes to help ease housing crisis in Jasper

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Supporting Jasper residents’ return home

Alberta’s government continues to support recovery efforts in Jasper and is helping residents return to the community with $112 million in funding for interim housing.

Alberta’s government continues to support recovery efforts in Jasper and is helping residents return to the community with $112 million in funding for interim housing.

Alberta’s government is committed to ensuring Jasper residents are supported as the community recovers from the summer’s wildfire. To support rebuilding efforts in Jasper, government is committing $112 million to build interim housing for displaced Jasper residents and residents of Pine Grove Senior Citizens Manor.

Work on the sites in Jasper has already begun, and the first residents are expected to begin moving in as early as January 2025. Homes in Jasper will be available for essential service workers and support service workers, and other eligible Jasper residents who lost their homes and are employed in the area. Alberta’s government will ensure that interim homes are ready for eligible residents as quickly and efficiently as possible.

“Our entire country grieved when wildfire ravaged Jasper this past summer. We know the rebuilding process takes time, and we’re doing all we can to support Jasper’s recovery. Most of all, people want to return home, and the funding we have approved will speed up that process so folks can rebuild their lives and move forward sooner.”

Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta

“We know that Jasper residents are eager to get back home and Alberta’s government is committed to ensuring they have the supports they need throughout this rebuilding effort. When ready, these interim homes will address the immediate housing need in Jasper and provide a short-term housing option for those who are working in the town doing the critical work needed to support this rebuild.”

Jason Nixon, Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services

To support the interim housing needs of Jasperites, the government is supporting the construction of modular homes. It is estimated that this portion of the provincial funding will build 250 modular homes for eligible displaced Jasper residents. Modular homes are constructed off-site, in a controlled environment, to allow for all-season construction and accelerated schedules. They are installed using permanent foundations that ensure the safety and comfort of the occupants.

Interim housing units in Jasper will be provided at market rent, and applications and eligibility details will be released in the future. Units in Jasper will be sold at market value when they are no longer required for interim housing for Jasper recovery.

“This interim housing is a much-needed step forward in getting the community of Jasper back on track and getting people into homes. Alberta’s government will continue to work with the town and our partners to restore Jasper as quickly as possible.”

Martin Long, MLA for West Yellowhead

“On behalf of the people of Jasper, I extend our sincere gratitude to the Government of Alberta for their critical support in funding interim housing as we work to rebuild Jasper. This housing isn’t just about the buildings, it’s directly linked to our social and economic recovery including the mental well-being of the community as a whole.”

Richard Ireland, mayor, Town of Jasper

Alberta’s government is also supporting the residents of Pine Grove Manor with interim housing in Hinton. Pine Grove Manor was destroyed by the fire and this interim housing will keep residents close to their community while the seniors home is rebuilt. Up to 25 units of modular housing will be built for seniors in Hinton on a site that was given to the project by the Town of Hinton. These units in Hinton will later be used as affordable housing for the community. Work on these sites is expected to begin in January and the first seniors are expected to begin moving in as early as April 2025.

“The Evergreens Foundation is proud to work together with the province to move forward on this project with haste. We continue to keep the needs of the seniors who built our province in the forefront as we work through the Jasper recovery.”

Kristin Chambers, chief administrative officer, The Evergreens Foundation

A request for proposals will be released on both of these projects as the next steps in this process. Funding from Alberta’s government will be contributed to these projects over two fiscal years.

Quick facts

  • The 2024 Jasper wildfire complex destroyed or damaged around 30 per cent of structures in Jasper, including the Pine Grove Seniors Citizens Manor, a government-owned building.
  • Wildfire is an insurable event and insurance can cover costs for interim housing for insured individuals.
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