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House Committee Demands Answer on Eight Tajik Border Crossers Arrested for Terror Plot


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By Todd Bensman as published June 17, 2024 by The New York Post

House Republicans are demanding answers after an FBI counterterrorism sting in three major US cities reportedly rolled up eight Tajik nationals who’d crossed the US Southwest Border and were planning a terrorist bombing.

In a new letter, House Homeland Security Committee Mark Green and several subcommittee leaders are demanding that Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of Homeland Security, disclose whether border agencies could have known of terrorism connections when the Tajik Eight first crossed, and how those agencies handled the immigrants after their releases through to the moment the FBI alerted them about plot.

At least some of the Tajik Eight crossed more than a year prior to their early June 2024 arrests by ICE. And the undercover FBI sting operation was underway for quite some time, according to media reporting.

Their letter points to an NBC news report that ICE in the first week of June arrested the Tajik Eight on immigration-related charges only “after the FBI alerted them that the men possessed a connection to the terrorist group ISIS.”

The lawmakers are investigating whether overwhelmed border agency personnel are able to properly screen terrorists and other criminals.

The committee cites my report listing seven accidental terror suspect releases – each a counterterrorism intelligence failure – and its call for forceful congressional intervention and concerted government investigation.

“Unfortunately, the unacceptable security failures that have allowed individuals with terrorist ties to enter the United States through the Southwest Border have become an alarming pattern under the administration,” the letter states.

Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia: sources

The committee, which holds special oversight responsibility for all homeland security-related government activity, wants the immigration files on all eight suspects, communications between the FBI and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement that would reveal how the eight arrested immigrants were handled after their border crossings, and all derogatory information in the terrorist watch list database about them.

They want a briefing by June 27 and the documents and records later.

But if history is any indication, Mayorkas is likely to ignore this reasonable public interest request.

Mayorkas has already blown off an April 3, 2024 committee information request about two of the DHS accidental releases of border-crossing suspected terrorists on the FBI watch list “due to errors within ICE’s internal database.”

An especially egregious security failure happened with the accidental border release of Afghan national Mohammad Kharwin, who was already on the FBI’s terrorism watch list for his associations with the US-designated terrorist organization Hezb-e-Islami.

Border Patrol released him into ICE custody into the so-called “Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program on March 12, 2023 after his illegal crossing from Mexico into California. He remained free for nearly a year until his arrest in San Antonio.

“The Department’s prioritization of catch, process, and release, presents a grave danger to national security,” the letter said. “The Committee has repeatedly and forcefully highlighted the security vulnerabilities inherent in the massive influx of illegal aliens at our border. The Biden Administration and the Department, however, continue to hide their heads in the sand, ignoring the ‘blinking red lights’ everywhere.”

Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, is the author of “America’s Covert Border War” (2021).

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European Voters Are Taking Sledgehammer To Continent’s Radical Open Borders And Climate Agenda

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation



The results from both the recent European Parliamentary elections and France’s snap legislative elections have surprised our socialist friends across the ocean.

Despite the consistent rejection of climate activism in national elections, the ultra-left European Union Parliament has continued to loom darkly on its subjugated member states with failing “climate” and “open border” policies. The election results are more than just a passing trend: they are a clear repudiation of the left-wing policies on immigration and climate that have dominated the EU’s agenda in recent years.

Voters across Europe have expressed their dissatisfaction with these policies, which they perceive as economically burdensome and socially disruptive. In Germany, for example, center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) secured 30.2% of the vote, while the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged to 16%, a significant increase from their previous performance​​. This rise in support for the AfD is a direct response to the German government’s aggressive climate policies and its handling of immigration.

The German government’s climate agenda — particularly the Energiewende, has placed a heavy financial burden on households and businesses. Within the framework is a policy called “Marginal Pricing.” This means that the price of electricity at any given time is set by the most expensive power plant needed to meet demand at that moment. The overall transition to renewable energy has led to some of the highest electricity prices in Europe, with German households paying significantly more than the European average​​. These high costs have not only strained family budgets but have also impacted the competitiveness of German industries, leading to job losses and economic uncertainty.

Moreover, the decision to phase out coal and nuclear energy without adequate alternatives has left the country reliant on costly and inconsistent renewable sources. This dual energy system has created inefficiencies and further driven up costs​​. The frustration over these economic pressures has been a significant factor in the rise of conservative parties, who promise to alleviate these burdens by rolling back stringent climate regulations.

Immigration policies have also played a crucial role in the electorate’s shift to the right. Germany, and indeed much of Europe, has experienced a significant influx of asylum seekers over the past decade. The public’s growing concern over immigration, coupled with the perceived inability of left-wing parties to manage this influx effectively, has driven voters toward conservative alternatives. The AfD, for instance, has capitalized on these concerns, positioning itself as the defender of national borders and cultural identity​​.

This trend is not confined to Germany. In France, the legislative elections held this weekend show a significant shift to the right there as well. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally garnered over 33% of the vote, a dramatic win reflecting public dissatisfaction with Macron’s failed policies. Macron’s policies in regards to taxes, pensions and immigration coupled with long-term protests has eroded support for his centrist alliance, which only received about 21% of the vote. The left-wing New Popular Front, including La France Insoumise and the Socialist Party, trailed with around 28% of the vote. This rightward shift is part of a broader European trend where voters are increasingly turning to conservative parties in response to economic strain and immigration concerns​.

The success of these parties underscores a growing demand for policies that prioritize national sovereignty and economic pragmatism over ideological commitments to climate activism and open borders. Voters are increasingly skeptical of policies that they perceive as detached from the realities of everyday life. The economic strain of high energy costs, combined with the social challenges of integrating large numbers of immigrants, has fueled a backlash against the left-wing establishment.

The rightward shift in the elections for the European Parliament is a powerful statement against the dubious feel-good policies from a failed left-wing activism on climate and immigration. It is a demand for a more market-centered approach that considers the economic and social realities faced by regular Europeans. The rise of conservative parties across the continent is not just a political realignment but a profound demand for sanity.

Richard Holt is an ambassador for Project 21, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research to promote the views of African-Americans whose entrepreneurial spirit, dedication to family and commitment to individual responsibility have not traditionally been echoed by the nation’s civil rights establishmentHe is also a political consultant at Sirius Campaigns with over two decades of experience working on campaigns for local, state and federal offices across the country.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Featured image credit: Marine Le Pen (Screen Capture/CSPAN)

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Heartland Daily News

Biden, Trump Spar Over Inflation, Border, More in First Presidential Debate

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From Heartland Daily News

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump grappled over inflation, illegal immigration, abortion and more during the first debate of this election cycle Thursday night in Atlanta.

A Quinnipiac poll released the day before the debate shows Trump with a 49%-45% lead over Biden, showing Biden needed to turn the tide Thursday night. But throughout the debate, Biden showed moments of murmuring, trailing off or seeming to lose his train of thought.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump said early in the debate. “I really don’t think he knows what he said either.”

Questions have surrounded Biden, 81, for a growing number stumbles and miscues in recent months.

CNN’s Jake Tapper, one of the debate’s two co-hosts, began by pointing to the rise of prices under Biden’s tenure, a 20% increase in food prices and a 30% increase for housing.

“Everything was rockin’ good,” Trump said, touting the economy, lack of wars and more during his term. “The only jobs [Biden] created are for illegal immigrants and bounceback jobs,” referring to jobs created by ending the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Biden defended himself, claiming Trump caused inflation, and touted the economic recovery after the COVID lockdown era. Biden also touted his work to lower the costs of prescription drugs.

Abortion, which is expected to be a major issue this election, took a prime spot in the debate. Biden promised to restore Roe v. Wade federal protections and blasted Trump, saying he would sign a conservative nationwide abortion ban.

Trump said he agreed with the recent U.S. Supreme Court issue allowing the abortion pill and blasted Biden and Democrats for their support of Roe v. Wade, saying it allows late term abortion. Trump argued the issue should go to the states.

Both candidates traded barbs throughout the debate. Biden called Trump a convicted felon and said he has the “morals of an alley cat.” Trump was convicted last month on 34 felony counts related to falsifying business documents to cover up hush money payments to a former porn actress.

“Everything he does is a lie,” Trump shot back later in the debate.

Trump repeatedly veered the debate back toward illegal immigration, crime committed by illegal immigrants, and the impact of migrants on entitlement programs.

Trump blasted Biden on the southern border crisis, saying that “because of [Biden’s] ridiculous, insane and very stupid policies” Americans are being killed, calling it “Biden migrant crime.”

Trump said the flood of illegal immigrants are bankrupting entitlement programs in the U.S.

“Our veterans are living on the street and these people are living in luxury hotels,” Trump said. “I’ve never seen such anger in our country before.

“He wants our country to either be destroyed or he wants to pick up those people as voters,” Trump continued.

When questioned about his role in the Jan. 6 storming of the Captiol, Trump pointed out that he called on protesters to act “peacefully and patriotically” and offered 10,000 National Guard troops for security prior to the protests but former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser turned them down.

Biden said the Jan. 6 protesters who have been prosecuted deserve to be in jail, but Trump defended many of them, saying some of them are “so innocent” and that rioters in other cities like Portland did not go to jail.

The debate was moderated by CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta.

This debate is an antecedent to two major political conventions, The Republican National Convention (RNC) and Democratic National Convention (DNC), which are scheduled for July and August, respectively.

Thursday night marked Trump and Biden’s first debate against each other in four years. The first presidential debate between them took place in Sept. 2020, during the time when Trump was still in office as U.S. president. Trump and Biden were scheduled to have a second debate on Oct. 15 2020, which ultimately was canceled. The final Trump-Biden debate of 2020 occurred on Oct. 22 2020.

Another debate is expected between the two candidates this election cycle on Sept. 10.

Originally published by The Center Square. Republished with permission.

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