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DataRepublican Exposes the Shadow Government’s Darkest Secrets


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Vigilant News

Helping DOGE expose massive misuse of taxpayer dollars

The data scientist revealed that “States United Democracy Center,” an NGO co-founded by Norm Eisen, received $17M—and “the only thing they did with $17M was make a terrible muppet show.”

“That’s (explicit word)!” she exclaimed.

“They got money, and they did something with that. It was just awful. Jim Henson would roll in his grave. And it was weird because all the videos have less than 200 views,” DataRepublican explained.

“They didn’t even try to promote them with ads or anything. So where did the $17 million go?” she asked.

Shortly after this interview aired, DataRepublican revealed she was doxxed in a viral post on X.

After being doxxed, DataRepublican shared more details about herself to take back control of the narrative. She revealed her real name as Jennica Pounds, a 100% Deaf and nonverbal database kernel engineer with expressive dysphasia related to autism.

Pounds recently walked away from her role as a senior software engineer to pursue DOGE-adjacent efforts full-time, aiming to work with the administration to cut waste and improve government efficiency.

Her work—now centered around a powerful searchable database at http://DataRepublican.comreveals the hidden connections between government grants and NGOs, exposing billions in wasteful spending.

Pounds’ work has been praised by prominent figures like Elon Musk, with her interviews drawing massive viewership on podcasts with Nicole Shanahan, Glenn Beck, and NewsNation.

We’re pleased to welcome the woman tearing up the roots of the entire corrupt system.

Watch as DataRepublican exposes some of the government’s darkest secrets in our exclusive interview.

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Trump’s USAID shutdown is a win for America and a blow to the globalist agenda

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From LifeSiteNews

By Steven Mosher

USAID’s promotion of DEI, gender ideology, and population control around the world, along with its efforts to undermine democracies in Europe and Latin America, have greatly damaged America’s standing in the world.

The closure of a corrupt government agency is always cause for celebration.

Not that it happens very often. As President Ronald Reagan once remarked, “The closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government program.”

In the case of the now-defunct U.S. Agency for International Development, its shuttering will save U.S. taxpayers some $54 billion a year.

But Trump’s closure of the rogue agency is about far more than reducing the size of government or balancing the budget. We are not even talking about simply ending waste, fraud, and abuse, although there were bucket loads of that going on.

READ: Trump’s dismantling of USAID is his biggest blow against the Deep State yet

Under its former director, Samantha Powers, the agency had been transformed into a slush fund for woke fever dreams. No project was too wacko to throw money at.

You want funding to convince Peruvian girls they were born into the wrong body, or to promote LGBT activism in Serbia? USAID had a check for you.

You need money to fund sex changes in Guatemala or to open a transgender surgery clinic in India? You had but to ask.

But as corrosive to the sensibilities of normal people – and to America’s image overseas – that this reckless promotion of DEI and gender ideology was, our overseas aid agency was engaged in far more nefarious schemes.

An estimated 90 percent of our aid to Gaza ended up in the hands of Hamas post-October 7, 2023. Without the constant infusion of U.S. funds, it is doubtful that the terrorist organization would have survived.

Equally egregious is USAID’s undermining of democracy. As Marjorie Taylor Green just noted at a congressional hearing, “What we have learned is that USAID has been used by Democrats to brainwash the world with globalist propaganda to force regime changes around the world.”

Roughly half a billion dollars went into one organization alone. It was called the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, and billed as a global network of investigative journalists. But it had as much to do with promoting globalist narratives and undermining populist politicians as it did with exposing corruption, perhaps more.

If you want to know why populist Jair Bolsonaro is no longer president of Brazil, why the conservatives lost in Poland, or why the democratically elected president of Romania – another populist – has now been arrested, look no further than USAID’s massively funded propaganda campaigns against these and other anti-globalist politicians.

As in Xi Jinping’s China, where the Chinese dictator has been purging his political enemies under the guise of an “anti-corruption campaign,” USAID’s anti-corruption campaign was ultimately not about corruption at all.

Like Xi, who was, as the Chinese say, “hanging up a goat’s head, but selling dog meat,” the agency was motivated by a hidden and deeply corrupt purpose – undermining democracy in order to promote globalism.

Victor Orbán of Hungary, whose government has survived years of similar onslaughts, is now vowing to crack down on all of the foreign-funded NGOs operating in his country. He will find that his opposition was chiefly funded by our tax dollars, judging from the many trips to that country that Samantha Powers took over the past few years.

As ruinous as all this is for America’s standing in the world, there is even worse news. Many of the tens of billions of dollars that the agency was flushing down the toilet didn’t go overseas at all, but was spent in and around the Washington, D.C., swamp.

And almost all of this – well over 95 percent – went to Democrat-controlled groups.

How much of the incessant lawfare against Trump that began as soon as he announced his candidacy for president in 2015 was funded indirectly by our tax dollars?

How much of Kamala’s $2 billion campaign coffer came from our own pockets, laundered by USAID through well-connected NGOs and leftist politicians?

Despite the mounting evidence of corruption, there are still those who claim that USAID does much good and should be reformed, not shuttered. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater,” one recent headline read.

The problem is that USAID was never primarily about feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty or, for that matter, saving babies. In fact, from the very beginning it was designed to be an instrument of population control.

Its stated goal was “population stabilization.” To this end, it busied itself reducing the number of babies born, all in the name of fighting “overpopulation,” “eliminating poverty,” and, more recently, “saving the planet.”

This is spelled out clearly in Richard Nixon’s National Security Study Memorandum 200, which made it clear that foreign aid was to be used to bribe or bludgeon countries into reducing their birth rates.

Even today, USAID was – until a few weeks ago – promoting abortion in Malawi, doing abortion referrals in Uganda, and pressuring Sierra Leone to legalize abortion as a condition of receiving foreign aid.

Supporters of USAID argue that its programs create goodwill, but it’s hard to see how telling African women and men they would be better off sterilizing themselves and aborting their children accomplishes this end.

And how would Americans feel if China, say, were funding a program to vasectomize American men? Think about that for a second.

USAID’s promotion of DEI, gender ideology, and population control around the world, along with its efforts to undermine democracies in Europe and Latin America, have greatly damaged America’s standing in the world.

But the crime that calls for the complete destruction of the agency is that it was striking at the very roots of the republic itself.

Using the taxes paid by a free people to undermine their freedom is, by anyone’s definition, treason.

Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute and the author of The Devil and Communist China.

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Courageous Discourse

Reviewing NATO’s Rationale

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By John Leake

“To keep the Russian’s out, the Germans down, and the Americans in.”

To an observer who has studied history, it’s very difficult to assess what Europe’s heads of state are now thinking with respect to NATO, Ukraine, and Russia. Judging by their pronouncements, it apparently hasn’t occurred to them that they have no rational grounds for maintaining a state of mortal enmity with Russia. The Germans are being especially obtuse.

After Germany was reunified in 1990 and the Soviet Union was dissolved, it was, above all, the Americans who wished to maintain enmity with Russia because doing so served as the rationale for:

1). Maintaining the American military occupation of Germany.

2). Maintaining America’s vast Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex.

3). Maintaining a weak Russia with a weak leader like Boris Yeltsin who was amenable to American financial players and their cronies in Russia exploiting the country’s natural resource assets.

The clearest evidence of this state of affairs was Washington’s hatred for German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and their Nord Stream Pipeline deal, which became (in Washington) the hated emblem of fruitful German-Russian relations.

The last few years have been crowded with spectacular acts of stupidity, but of all these, none was more stupendous than the U.S. carrying out Joe Biden’s avowal—with German Chancellor Scholz present—“to bring an end Nord Stream.”

Not only was this a massive crime against pipeline’s owners, it was an act of war against Germany, which is purportedly a U.S. ally. Finally, blowing up the pipeline was the single largest human point source of greenhouse gas emission in history—yet another example of how those who push the “Green Agenda” are ruthless humbugs.

And how did the German government respond to this stunning act of crime and war against its people and industry? Not a peep of protest against the Biden administration—a perfect act of submission to the most demented and depraved U.S. action in the history of American-German relations.

This brings me back to one of NATO’s three key objectives—namely, to keep the Germans down. Since Bismarck united the various German principalities into a unified nation in 1871, the country has been periodically plagued with dreadful leadership. Bismarck himself was a reasonable man, as were Adenauer, Kohl, and Schroeder. However, starting with Angela Merkel in 2005, Germany has been led by inveterate nincompoops. Olaf Scholz has proven to the worst.

Now President Trump is signaling that the Europeans—and especially the Germans—may be free to be their own masters, and equally free to forge a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia. And yet, somehow Europe’s leaders have managed to forgot what all those who attended the Bucharest NATO Summit in 2008 perfectly understood at the time—namely, the Americans were aggressively pursuing an agenda of enmity and provocation with Russia by declaring NATO’s intention to expand yet further east into Ukraine and Georgia.

To reiterate: the Americans hated German Chancellor Schroeder because of his friendship with Vladimir Putin and their Nord Stream deal. They equally hated Schroeder because he was reluctant to support their stupid Iraq invasion in 2003. In the dubious person of Angela Merkel, Washington found a submissive servant. In 2008, Merkel voiced her opinion that George W. Bush’s agenda in Europe would make needless trouble with the Russians, but she didn’t push back against it.

During the Obama years, Vice President Joe Biden was made a sort of American Proconsul to Ukraine, where he and his cocaine addict son forged lucrative relationships with the country’s corrupt oligarchs. Likewise, Hillary Clinton and the Ukrainian oligarch, Victor Pinchuk, became fast friends.

While none of the Ukrainian oligarchs during this period held particularly strong anti-Russian sentiments, they were incentivized to adopt such sentiments by the promise of a lucrative relationship with Washington’s creepy denizens. They should have understood that getting into bed with the U.S. to poke the Russian business was a risky business. Of course, it wasn’t especially risky for them, because if things got hot in Ukraine, they could always take refuge in one of their innumerable houses in London, the South of France, Vienna, Switzerland, or Miami. Needless to say, ordinary Ukrainians, with their annual median household income of about $1,000, haven’t had this luxury.

The Obama years were the era in which Washington developed its current, bizarre sentimentality about Ukrainian nationalism. I remember a time not so long ago (in the 1980s) when Ukrainians were viewed with deep suspicion for their collaboration with Nazi Germany during the war. There was a great deal of chatter about this in the American press in 1988, when the American citizen of Ukrainian birth, John Demjanjuk, was extradited to Israel to stand trial for being “Ivan the Terrible,” a notorious watchman at Treblinka extermination camp.

Back then, Ukrainian nationalism was regarded as having been badly corrupted by Nazism. But then, around 2014, the narrative lurched to the other extreme, and suddenly the American media started peddling stories about the sacred blood and soil of Ukraine and valiant struggle of its people against the Russian aggressor. America’s newfound love for das Volk of Ukraine culminated with Ukrainian flag waving in the U.S., whose people couldn’t have identified Ukraine on an unmarked map just three years earlier.

Almost as stupid as the Biden and Scholz administrations has been the French administration, which somehow forgot that their great post-war President Charles de Gaulle correctly perceived that NATO was primarily an instrument of American domination. On could argue that de Gaulle’s decision to withdrawal from NATO in 1966 was premature, but how on earth did rejoining NATO in 2009 serve the French people?

Last but not least are the English, which now has the most abominable ruling class in the nation’s entire history—a ruling class that has enthusiastically embraced every form of naked tyranny that has emerged in the west since March 2020.

The historic cradle of free speech is now a country in which the police are sent to the homes of people who express politically incorrect opinions on social media. In 2022, Konstantin Kisin— a strident critic of Vladimir Putin—pointed out that while 400 people were arrested in Russia in 2021 for online speech violations, 3,300 were arrested in Britain. With this record, how can the British government reasonably claim to be a valiant defender of Western civilization from the odious Putin?

If British, German, and French leadership could somehow muster a shred of common sense, they would drop their kindergarten mindset, join President Trump in burying the hatchet with Russia, and do beneficial deals with the world’s largest nation.



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