A Calgary woman is using the power of athletics to tackle and transform the narrative surrounding addiction, and support youth and young adults on their journey...
New feature exhibit examines “When Sports Stopped.” Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic Albertans have been adapting to one change after another with little idea...
In honour of Veterans Week 2020 and the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II, the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame...
After a fairly stagnant summer, where the typical buzz of team athletics and busy sporting fields has been largely missed due to COVID-19, the return of...
Alberta Sports Hall of Fame’s 50/50 raffle has only 9 hours left and sitting at $18,000. Funds will be used to purchase a new interactive display...
To become a true sports fan, everyone must understand the day-to-day definition of miracle. League championships count, of course. So do record-setting performances and, rarely, the...
Several valuable lessons for fans and other followers of the Calgary Flames and Edmonton Oilers in the most recent doubleheader televised as part of the NHL’s...
Officially, the National Hockey League season is over for the only two teams this province really cares about. While survivors prepare for action in Round Two...
This is an unpleasant reality: The Canadian Football League faces an extremely difficult future. In truth, it may not have a future at all. In the...
Weird. Wonderful. Mesmerizing. Fantastic. Each of those words can be applied — and probably will be, for many years — to the first round of the...