From Josh Andrus, Executive Director of Project Confederation Look what we discovered about the “Just Transition”… You might remember, not so long ago, that federal Natural Resources Minister,...
From the Brownstone Institute Reason to Distrust the Experts, Even in Court BY GWENDOLYN KULL Repeatedly since the beginning of the covid pandemic response, public officials,...
From the Brownstone Institute BY JENNIFER SEY People often ask me why I still care about school closures and other covid restrictions that harmed a generation...
“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones” —Julius Caesar, Shakespeare Bobby Hull died last week at age...
Pop Quiz: Since the 2021 Residential schools “secret burials” hysteria allowed prime minister Justin Trudeau to declare Canada a genocidal state, how many of the graves...
From British Health Researcher John Campbell Opposition MP’s in the UK and Members of the European Parliament are raising the alarm over a rash of excess...
BY ROBIN KOERNER Scott Adams is the creator of the famous cartoon strip, Dilbert. It is a strip whose brilliance derives from close observation and understanding...
British universities are adding trigger warnings to Greek and Shakespearean tragedies to protect students from being triggered by tragedy.— The Telegraph Those who remember the not-so-distant...
If there’s one constant in modern sports it’s bewilderment at how high salaries have risen for elite athletes. Where a million dollars a year was once...
“Mr. Gorbachev… tear down this wall.”— Ronald Reagan News Item: California lawmakers pushing legislation that would impose a new tax on the state’s wealthiest residents —...